Features of transportation of tobacco products: main stages and features
Home \ Import and customs clearance of cigarettes and tobacco products Tobacco products, including
Product data
Types of customs declarations, rules for completing and submitting them
Declaring goods crossing the borders of the Customs Union involves submitting an application filled out on a special form to customs.
Traceability of goods from 2021: what will be monitored and how to live with it
Duty-free import of goods for personal use into Russia Rules for the import of items are regulated by the Customs Code,
What is behind the reassignment of the Moscow Regional Customs?
Contacts and details Name Moscow Regional Customs Customs code 10013000 Organizational structure form Customs authority
Jobs at Sheremetyevo Airport: work for women and men
Sheremetyevo International Airport in Russia has unique specific divisions and positions. The state schedule shows
How to enter a trademark into the customs register of intellectual property objects
How a trademark is entered into the customs register and what is needed for this
A registered trademark or service mark is an object of intellectual property that is protected by law.
To push into Ust-Luga only with your feet. The port of St. Petersburg is being tried on Primorsk
The first container terminal of CJSC "First Container Terminal" (PKT) is a system for producing various
CIP Incoterms 2021 delivery terms “Carriage and insurance paid by”
What is CPT? CPT (Carriage Paid To - Freight/carriage paid to) - international trade
Incoterms 2010 - terms of delivery.
Incoterms 2010 delivery terms: FCA, DAP, EX-WORKS, CIF, FOB
The term Incoterms refers to a trademark owned by the International Chamber of Commerce. The ICC procedure presupposes the circumstances of use
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Customs clearance of cargo and goods at the Guzhon temporary storage warehouse
HomeCustoms clearancePlaces of clearanceAutomobile temporary storage warehouseGuzhon IMPORTANT: We help to carry out prompt customs clearance of goods in the warehouse
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