Alta-Soft is a remote online customs portal, and an indispensable assistant for declarants and foreign trade participants to carry out their activities
HomeCustoms clearanceCustoms proceduresProcessing outside the customs territory Processing outside the customs territory is a customs procedure
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Salaries of civil servants are a burning issue both among government employees and among students.
HomeCustoms clearanceCustoms proceduresExport (EC 10) Export (EC10) is a customs procedure (formerly the customs regime
Contacts and details Name Customs post MAPP Nekhoteevka Customs code 10101120 Organizational structure form Customs
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All goods transported across the borders of the Russian Federation are subject to mandatory customs control. Impeccable customs clearance
HomeCustoms clearancePlaces of clearanceCEDAviation CED IMPORTANT: We help to carry out prompt customs clearance of goods at the CED,
HomeCustoms clearancePlaces of clearance CED Krasnodar CED Attention! Krasnodar customs post (CED of Krasnodar customs) – liquidated