How to correctly fill out the fields of the customs declaration related to currency control

How to correctly fill out the fields of the customs declaration related to currency control


1.1. These rules govern the relationship between the Visitor/User/Customer and the Contractor for the provision of Services. 1.2. The Contractor posts on the Site information about the Services offered and other information related to the activities of the Contractor. Changes, including information about the provision of Services on the Site and their cost, are made by the Contractor unilaterally without prior notice to the User. The information is valid until the Contractor makes appropriate changes, unless another period is additionally specified by the Contractor. 1.3. Full and unconditional consent and acceptance of these Rules is the placement by the Customer of the Application in the manner established on the Site.


2.1. Site visitor is a person who came to the Site without the purpose of placing an Application. 2.2. User - a visitor to the Site who accepts the terms of this Agreement and wishes to place an Application on the Site. 2.3. Customer - the User who placed the Application on the Site. 2.4. Contractor - a legal entity whose description of the Services is posted on the Site. Information about the legal entity: Kvazar LLC (OGRN 1142536007790, INN 2536276283, KPP 253601001, location: Vladivostok, Dalzavodskaya str., 2a. Office 218.) 2.5. Website - an Internet site owned by the Contractor, located on the Internet at, where the Services are presented. 2.6. Services - information services provided by the Contractor and available for Applications on the Site. 2.7. Application - a duly completed request from the Customer for the provision of the Service selected on the Site.


3.1. By providing his personal data when submitting an application form on the Site, the Customer gives the Contractor his consent to the processing and use of his personal data in accordance with Federal Law No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” dated July 27, 2006 in various ways indefinitely and for the purposes specified in this Agreement. 3.2. The Contractor uses the Customer’s personal data for the purposes of: — filling out an Application by the Customer on the Site; — feedback from the Customer. 3.3. Personal data collected by the Contractor: - Customer's phone number; — Customer’s email address; — Full name of the Customer. 3.4. The Contractor undertakes not to disclose information received from the Customer. At the same time, disclosure of information is not considered a violation of obligations in the case where the obligation for such disclosure is established by the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 3.5. The Customer may withdraw his consent to the processing of personal data after personally contacting the Contractor.


4.1. The Contractor reserves the right to make unilateral changes to these rules. Changes to the terms of these rules come into force after they are published on the Site.

Statistical declaration for import and export of goods for repair

Question: Is it necessary to submit a statistical declaration when goods are temporarily exported from Belarus or imported into its territory for repairs?

Answer: No, in the author’s opinion, there is no need to submit a statistical declaration when goods are temporarily exported from Belarus or imported into its territory for repairs.

Rationale: Statistical declaration is a declaration that is submitted in the form of an electronic document by the exporter (importer), consignor (consignee) or, on their behalf, by a customs representative for the purpose of statistical accounting of shipments (supplies) of goods for which customs operations are not carried out, one by one and more than facts of shipments (supplies) of goods, the total value of which is an amount equivalent to 3000 euros or more, for the reporting calendar month within the framework of a foreign trade agreement providing for the transfer of goods for a fee, is registered with the customs authorities using information systems and information technologies, is a currency control document foreign trade operations <*>.

Taking into account that a foreign trade agreement is an agreement between a resident and a non-resident, providing for the paid transfer of goods, protected information, exclusive rights to the results of intellectual activity, performance of work, provision of services <*>, we can conclude that registration of a statistical declaration for temporary export from Belarus or the import of goods into the territory of Belarus for repair or maintenance, as well as their return import (export), is not required, since there is no transfer of goods for compensation. This conclusion applies both to warranty (free of charge) repairs or maintenance, and to the implementation of such operations on a reimbursable basis.

This conclusion can also be confirmed by the fact that a statistical declaration is issued if the nature of the transaction between a resident and a non-resident is included in the Classifier of the nature of the transaction <*>.

Cases of transfer of goods for repair and return after repair are not identified with separate codes in the Classifier of the nature of the transaction. Code 211 reflects transactions of transfer of goods for processing under contract (subcontract) agreements, with the exception of repairs. Code 212 reflects transactions of transfer of goods after processing under contract (subcontract) agreements, with the exception of repairs. Thus, the Classifier of the nature of the transaction does not include operations of transferring goods for repair under a contract or during the warranty period and their subsequent return from repair.

Thus, in the author’s opinion, when goods are exported from Belarus or imported into the territory of Belarus for repair or maintenance under a contract or under a guarantee, and when repaired goods are returned to the territory of Belarus, statistical declarations are not issued. However, it should be noted that in some cases such declarations still need to be registered.

Registration of a statistical declaration may be required when purchasing consumables, components, spare parts for repairs or maintenance. When carrying out repairs or maintenance under a contract on a reimbursable basis, it may be necessary to use spare parts, components, units and assemblies, which can be paid for by the Belarusian organization separately from the cost of repair or maintenance work or even purchased as part of a separate transaction.

In such a situation, there is a paid transfer of goods from a non-resident to a resident of Belarus and, accordingly, it may be necessary to register an import statistical declaration if the cost of the specified spare parts, components, components and assemblies is an amount equivalent to 3,000 euros or more.

Also, registration of a statistical declaration is necessary when exporting goods for the purpose of replacing them. A situation may arise when, as a result of warranty repairs, manufacturing defects or other equipment defects are identified that cannot be eliminated. Consequently, the equipment is returned to the supplier.

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Rusimpex Customs. Classifiers and codes Rusimpex

Appendix 6 to the Order of the State Customs Committee of Russia dated December 17, 2003 N 1460 Appendix 6 to the Order of the State Customs Committee of Russia dated August 23, 2002 N 900


Type of agreementCode
1. Compensatory agreement between a resident and a non-resident, providing for payments for declared (supplied) goods using cash and other means of payment (securities - bills, checks):
in the currency of the Russian Federation01
securities in the currency of the Russian Federation07
in the currency of the Russian Federation and securities in the currency of the Russian Federation09
in the currency of the Russian Federation for cash payment10
in freely convertible currency (except for government loans)21
in freely convertible currency on a government loan23
in freely convertible currency to repay a government loan26
securities in freely convertible currency27
in freely convertible currency and in other types of currencies, including the currency of the Russian Federation28
others in freely convertible currency and/or securities in freely convertible currency, with the exception of the above29
in freely convertible currency (except for state credit) for cash payment30
in clearing currency (except for government credit)31
in clearing currency for a government loan33
in clearing currency to repay a government loan36
in a closed currency (except for government credit)41
in closed currency on a government loan43
securities in a locked currency47
in closed currency and in the currency of the Russian Federation48
others in closed currency and/or securities in closed currency, with the exception of the above49
2. Compensatory agreement between a resident and a non-resident, providing for the transfer of counter-provisions for declared (supplied) goods in the form of:
counter deliveries of goods in the order of direct exchange of goods51
performance of work and/or provision of services and/or transfer of rights to the results of intellectual activity52
counter deliveries of goods and performance of work and/or provision of services and/or transfer of rights to the results of intellectual activity53
supplies of natural gas to pay for transit in the territories of other countries54
3. Compensatory agreement between a resident and a non-resident, providing for settlements for declared (supplied) goods using cash and other means of payment (securities - bills, checks), as well as the transfer of other counter-provisions):
counter deliveries of goods in the order of direct exchange of goods and settlements in the currency of the Russian Federation55
counter deliveries of goods and/or performance of work, provision of services, transfer of rights to the results of intellectual activity and settlements in the currency of the Russian Federation and/or securities in the currency of the Russian Federation56
counter deliveries of goods and/or performance of work, provision of services, transfer of rights to the results of intellectual activity and settlements with securities in the currency of the Russian Federation57
counter deliveries of goods in the order of direct exchange of goods and settlements in foreign currency and/or securities in foreign currency58
counter deliveries of goods and/or performance of work, provision of services, transfer of rights to the results of intellectual activity and settlements in foreign currency and/or securities in foreign currency59
counter deliveries of goods and/or performance of work, provision of services, transfer of rights to the results of intellectual activity and settlements in foreign currency (and/or securities in foreign currency) and in the currency of the Russian Federation (and/or securities in the currency of the Russian Federation), with the exception of the above60
4. A paid agreement between a resident and a non-resident, the subject of which is the provision of services, performance of work, transfer of rights to results and intellectual activity:
transfer of the declared goods for rent/leasing with co-payment of rent/leasing in the currency of the Russian Federation61
transfer of the declared goods for rent/leasing with co-payment of rent/leasing in foreign currency62
transfer of the declared goods for rent/leasing with co-payment of rent/leasing in foreign currency and in the currency of the Russian Federation63
transfer of the declared goods for rent/leasing with the provision of goods, works, services, results of intellectual activity as payment for rent/leasing64
transfer of declared goods as payment for rent/leasing65
supply of goods under construction contracts (including construction contracts) with settlements in the currency of the Russian Federation66
supply of goods under construction contracts (including construction contracts) with settlements in freely convertible currency67
supply of goods under construction contracts (including construction contracts) with settlements in a locked currency68
supply of goods under construction contracts (including construction contracts) with settlements in foreign currency and in the currency of the Russian Federation69
supply of goods under contracts for the performance of work (with the exception of construction contracts), provision of services, transfer of rights to the results of intellectual activity with settlements in the currency of the Russian Federation71
supply of goods under contracts for the performance of work (with the exception of construction contracts), provision of services, transfer of rights to the results of intellectual activity with settlements in foreign currency72
supply of goods under contracts for the performance of work (with the exception of contract agreements), provision of services, transfer of rights to the results of intellectual activity with settlements in foreign currency and the currency of the Russian Federation73
supply of goods under contracts for the performance of work (with the exception of contract agreements), provision of services, transfer of rights to the results of intellectual activity with the counter provision of goods, work, services, results of intellectual activity74
supply of goods under contracts for the performance of work (with the exception of contract agreements), provision of services, transfer of rights to the results of intellectual activity with counter provision of goods, work, services, results of intellectual activity and settlements in foreign currency and the currency of the Russian Federation75
5. Movement of goods under other contractual obligations or not in connection with the execution of the contract:
under a gratuitous agreement between a resident and a non-resident or gratuitous supply within the framework of gratuitous contracts (complaints, erroneous delivery, samples, warranty obligations, etc.)80
not in connection with the execution of the contract81
supply of goods in exchange for shares (bonds), obtaining ownership rights or shares (contributions) in authorized (share) capital82
movement of goods received as dividends83
according to the agreement only between residents84
under an agreement only between non-residents85
when making unilateral transactions (without concluding an agreement) for cash in the currency of the Russian Federation86
when making unilateral transactions (without concluding an agreement) for cash in freely convertible currency (except for government loans)87

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