Cars with foreign license plates can be seen quite often on Russian roads. The most “popular” numbers are Abkhazia, Armenia, Belarus, Germany, Kazakhstan, Ukraine. In order to move freely within Russia, the car owner must incur certain costs by paying for customs clearance of the car. The amount sometimes turns out to be impressive, so many car enthusiasts, in order to save money, register their car purchased abroad as temporarily imported into the territory of the Russian Federation.
After the owner of the car receives a UVTS (vehicle import certificate), he can absolutely legally use the vehicle, but only for a certain time.
What does the concept of “temporary import” mean?
The concept of “temporary import” means crossing the border in a car that has a foreign registration. Unlike the customs clearance procedure, such movement between states does not oblige the driver to pay mandatory duties and complete a package of documents. But the time of stay of a foreign vehicle on the territory of the Russian Federation will be limited.
Who is allowed
Temporary import of vehicles into Russia for personal use, without paying a duty, is permitted only to those people who have a permanent residence permit in another state. But it is possible not to customize a car when crossing the border under other circumstances provided for by law. Namely:
- The person is a citizen of the Russian Federation, but not a resident of this country. This phenomenon is possible if you have dual citizenship, which allows you to legally stay in the territory of foreign states;
- The motorist does not have foreign registration, but lives outside of Russia. In such a situation, a person is obliged to register with the consulates of the Russian Federation, as evidenced by a special note in his international passport.
It is important to know! In other cases, the driver will have to prepare for the customs clearance procedure for the car, since no one will give him a temporary permit to import the vehicle. But Russians have the right to transport foreign equipment only if they pay a tax.
Duration of preferential treatment
In accordance with the customs code, foreigners can travel by private car across the territory of the Russian Federation for no more than one year, after which they will again need to cross the border checkpoint. At the same time, during the allotted period, owners of unregistered cars are prohibited from engaging in commercial activities or transferring their cars to other persons for this purpose.
The same applies to citizens of the Russian Federation. But for them, the temporary permit is valid for only 6 months, after which documents for legal import will need to be renewed or reissued for a separate payment.
What cars are allowed
It is allowed to drive a vehicle from Europe to the Russian Federation only for personal use, without obtaining financial benefits. And this does not apply to all types of transport, but only to the following categories:
- Cars;
- Minibuses with a total capacity of less than 12 people.
At the same time, the rules for the temporary import of cars into Russia do not prohibit drivers from putting up their unregistered movable property for sale.
But its purchase can only be carried out after a complete re-registration of the vehicle title, with the obligatory replacement of the Euro license plate. It is not possible to transfer ownership of a car to another citizen using a power of attorney.
Legal regulation of customs clearance of vehicles
Today, the main document regulating the procedure for vehicles crossing the border of the Russian Federation is the Customs Code of the Customs Union. At the same time, vehicles crossing Russian territory both for personal use and for commercial sale or use in business must be subject to customs clearance. However, there are a number of exceptions that allow you to avoid paying customs duties.
From January 1, 2021, the Customs Code loses its force. The main regulatory document regulating the movement of goods across the border of the Russian Federation will be the EAEU Customs Code.
Existing legal mechanisms provide for the import of cars into the territory of the Russian Federation without paying customs duties only in certain cases. These include:
- Providing international transportation of goods or passengers;
- Import of vehicles by refugees, internally displaced persons and persons equivalent to them, as well as those returning to their homeland under the relevant program for the resettlement of compatriots;
- Import of cars by foreign citizens and citizens of the Russian Federation for temporary use;
- Import of vehicles from other states included in the EAEU.
Various types of liability are provided for non-compliance with customs control rules. Moreover, such liability can be both administrative and criminal - punishment for driving an uncleared car is separately considered by the provisions of the relevant codes.
The rules for importing cars into the Russian Federation are almost identical to the current customs clearance standards in the countries of the EAEU (Customs Union). Moreover, current agreements implying the general economic and customs integration of such states provide for a one-time payment of the necessary fees and duties upon entry into the territory of the EAEU. Thus, a car that has passed customs clearance in Kazakhstan or Belarus can be used on Russian territory without proper clearance.
From 2021, you can import cars into the Russian Federation without customs only if they comply with environmental safety standards. Namely, they are equipped with an engine of EURO-5 standard or higher.
Required documents
Everyone knows that before starting the procedure for registering a car, the driver must prepare a package of documents. The list of mandatory papers attached to the customs declaration includes:
- Technical passport of the machine (European standard);
- A document certifying the identity of the car owner (necessarily indicating permanent registration);
- Photocopies of the above documents.
Attention! Without these certificates, temporary import of a car into Russia is not available to citizens of any category. If a vehicle is illegally delivered from abroad, the person will face an impressive fine (this mainly applies to brokers involved in the sale of foreign cars in the Russian Federation).
Benefit Rights
Benefits for temporary importation:
- Commercial vehicles registered in any country other than the state of temporary import and registered to a company that is permanently located outside of Russia or used by persons operating in the country of registration of the vehicle.
- Private cars registered in any state that is not a country of temporary import, registered to a citizen who permanently lives outside of Russia, and imported by persons holding foreign passports.
Temporary import of cars can be carried out without presenting a customs book and written guarantees of export in cases where:
- Commercial vehicles will be used by third parties who have the user's permission and perform their work for the latter's benefit.
- Cars for private use will be used by third parties who have a temporary import permit.
Is it possible to transfer a car to another person?
As a general rule, transferring an unregistered vehicle into the hands of another person is strictly prohibited. But if you delve into the law, then this restriction applies only to persons of a different nationality. That is, if the documented owner of the vehicle is a German or Frenchman, then he has no right to give his car into the hands of a Russian.
This principle also applies in reverse. Therefore, if a person has dual citizenship, then the law will not be broken when transferring a car to his compatriot. This aspect is especially important for intermediaries who transport equipment from the border point to the point of sale (including when selling a car for spare parts).
How to renew your permit
We looked at how to import a car without customs clearance into Russia. Now let's find out what to do if the car's legal stay on the territory of the Russian Federation has expired. According to customs regulations, in such situations the driver must leave the country in an unregistered car and re-enter it, going through the same procedure for obtaining a temporary certificate as when crossing the border for the first time. The legislation does not provide for other ways to extend the grace period.
Is it still possible to import a car into Russia without customs clearance?
If a vehicle is imported into the territory of the Russian Federation without customs clearance legally, this allows the car owner to save time, nerves and a lot of money that he would have spent on paying customs duties and taxes. At the same time, he becomes the owner of a high-quality car at a price significantly lower than in the Russian Federation. But in this case there are a number of restrictions, a “fly in the ointment”:
- Vehicles that have not undergone the customs clearance procedure in accordance with the established procedure can only be used for a limited period of time;
- Only a limited number of persons will be able to use the right to import vehicles without customs clearance;
- Not every car can be imported without customs clearance;
- And if we are talking about illegal import, then the threat of punishment (criminal and administrative) for violation of the law is added.
- It should be noted that such actions contribute to the development of the underground motor transport market, in which every buyer, purchasing a foreign car second-hand, risks becoming a victim of fraudsters’ deception
And yet, there are ways to import cars without going through customs clearance on completely legal grounds.
Alternative to temporary import
In some cases, the previously described method is not suitable for drivers. Therefore, in addition to the above-mentioned option of importing cars into Russia without customs clearance, there are at least three more alternatives:
- Transportation of a car according to the rules of the EurAsEC (in accordance with this regulatory act, citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to import vehicles from Belarus and Kazakhstan without a temporary permit. But this procedure will be free only for motorists whose movable property is equipped with a EURO 4 or higher engine, and its age is not exceeds 8 years old. For other drivers, a single rate of payment for crossing the border applies);
- Driving a car under the resettlement program (to receive this benefit, a person must register in the federal project and receive the appropriate certificate. With its help, you can cross the border checkpoint without following customs clearance rules);
- Import of an unregistered car that is the subject of an inheritance (according to the law of the Russian Federation, movable property passed on by inheritance is not subject to taxation, including by the customs service. Moreover, this applies to both gasoline and diesel cars, for which a larger amount of duty is charged ).
But any of the listed options will require official confirmation in the form of certificates, certificates and other documents. Without them, regulatory authorities will reserve the right to track an illegally driven vehicle using GLONASS satellite navigation and arrest it at its current storage location.
Refusal of temporary import
Checkpoint officials at the Russian border may well refuse foreign citizens the temporary import of cars into Russia. And this happens when there are reasonable assumptions on the part of customs officers that the vehicle or its owner will not comply with legal requirements for operating the vehicle. In such cases, a foreign motorist will be allowed through only if he pays a single fee (the price depends on the type of vehicle registration, its volume and the age of the vehicle), or makes a deposit with the border authority.
Extension of BB
It is important not to delay the issued documents. Otherwise it will turn into trouble.
The total duration of the temporary residence permit cannot be more than a year. After its expiration, either release the car into free circulation (that is, give the car the status of a Russian product by paying all duties) or take it out of the country.
To extend it, you must contact customs in advance (before the import period expires). You need to submit an application there (there is no special form for it) and a declaration, as well as all documents for the car, including the import certificate. In the declaration, the customs officer will make a note about the extension of the regime.
Responsibility for breaking the law
If the generally accepted procedure for importing unregistered vehicles into the territory of the Russian Federation is not followed, the driver will face penalties in the amount of customs duty. The offender’s car itself will go to the traffic police parking lot, where it will remain until its owner pays all financial penalties.
Advice! Therefore, if you want such a punishment to cost you as little as possible, it is better to pay the state duty on the very first day the car is seized. After all, for every day the car is parked, you need to pay an additional 300-600 rubles (depending on the region).
We looked at how the temporary import of cars from Europe to Russia takes place in 2021 for Russian citizens and foreigners. Moreover, these transportation rules are no different for right-hand drive vehicles, whose owners are accustomed to driving on the other side of the road. The only nuance in the entire procedure of crossing the border by personal transport is compliance with time restrictions on the validity of the customs permit.
Who is allowed
According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2013, not all vehicles can be temporarily imported into the Russian state. It is allowed to import only passenger cars with up to 12 seats. It is strictly prohibited to engage in entrepreneurial and commercial activities on this transport.
Customs officers always ask about the purpose of bringing a car. The law allows importation only for personal purposes and for family needs. Violation of the established procedure entails liability.
Next, we will consider which categories of persons are allowed to temporarily import a car.
From customs union countries
The decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission regulates the clearance of movable property at customs.
Which countries are included in the customs union:
- Armenia;
- Belarus;
- Kazakhstan;
- Republic of Kyrgyzstan;
- Russian Federation.
Importing cars from these countries excludes the payment of state duties and other customs fees. For these categories, registration with the traffic police is optional.
Foreign citizens
For example, a citizen of a foreign country crosses the border of the Russian Federation while traveling around the world by car.
According to the Agreement, foreign transport is imported by foreigners for no more than one year.
The use of transport is permitted exclusively for personal purposes. The list of goods allowed for import is determined by an international treaty.
During the permitted period, a non-resident is not required to pay duties. But if it is exceeded, he will have to pay for customs clearance of the car or leave the country with it as soon as possible. If the import period is up to six months, then registration with the traffic police is not required. If you are staying in the country for a longer period of time, you must temporarily register your car.
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The same conditions apply to the recycling fee. When importing a car for up to six months, it is not necessary to pay for it. If your stay in the Russian Federation exceeds 6 months, you will have to pay tax, otherwise it will be impossible to register the vehicle with the traffic police.
Only the owner is allowed to drive. To hand over the steering wheel to someone else, the car will have to be cleared through customs. The only case when another person can become a driver is the death or serious illness of the owner of the car, but this will require permission from customs officers.
Citizens of the Russian Federation
For example, a Russian citizen who lives in the European Union bought a car abroad for transportation and now wants to use it to visit his relatives.
Citizens of the Russian Federation are allowed to import a car only for six months, and they are required to make a deposit to ensure payment of customs duties. That is, the owner must have on hand an amount equal to the cost of customs clearance of the car.
If the vehicle is taken out of Russia within 6 months, the deposit will remain with the owner. If the deadline is exceeded and the car remains in the country, the funds will be used to pay the state duty.
Registration with the State Traffic Inspectorate and payment of a recycling fee will be required when importing a car for a period of more than six months. Transfer of control by the owner to other citizens is possible strictly after payment of all necessary fees.
Refugees, internally displaced persons or those arriving for permanent residence
For example, a citizen who is officially recognized as a refugee in the countries of the customs union is going to move to Russia in his own car.
Citizens belonging to this category can import only one car and one trailer without customs clearance. For exceeding the specified number of vehicles, fees are paid for each excess unit of equipment. At the same time, registration of vehicles in the previous country should not be less than 6 months, and importation is possible no later than one and a half years after relocation to the territory of the Russian Federation.
Since the car is brought for permanent stay, its registration with the State Traffic Inspectorate is required. But at the same time, refugees have preferential grounds for paying the recycling fee. They have the right not to pay it at all. But if the car is sold, the buyer will have to pay the fee.
There are no restrictions on driving. The owner has the right to transfer management to other persons.
If you inherited a car
For example, a Russian citizen inherits a vehicle that was registered abroad. Accordingly, he wants to use it on his native roads.
You are allowed to import one car and one trailer if you inherit them. For more vehicles, customs clearance fees are paid.
The heir is required to register the car with the State Traffic Inspectorate and also pay a recycling fee. There are no restrictions on control.
Other cases
In other situations, for example, buying a car from Japan and bringing it to Russia for permanent use, the transport will have to be cleared through customs and all applicable fees will have to be paid. Accordingly, you will have to pay a recycling fee and go through the registration procedure with the State Traffic Inspectorate.
Customs officers are wary of citizens trying to import a car and thoroughly check the documentation. A person who appears suspicious to customs officers or if he does not have the requested documents with him may be prohibited from importing transport. Customs officers may also require receipts and other evidence of tax payment, documents confirming that the car is registered to this particular person.
There are quite a lot of cases of deception and theft of cars, which they then try to transport abroad for subsequent sale. Customs officers are familiar with such fraud and can recognize the fraudster.