So that day has come

Customs code 10207000 183010, Murmansk, st. M. Gorkogo, 15 Teletype 626156 SPRUT RU, fax 23-16-36, 229 E-mail AMTS code Murmansk 8 – 8152

Head of Customs Colonel of the Customs ServiceOprya Sergei Ivanovich28-22-21
ReceptionUvarova Valentina Konstantinovna28-22-28 23-17-98
First Deputy Head of Customs for Customs Control Colonel of the Customs Service Kravchenko Sergey Anatolievich28-22-22
Deputy Head of Customs for Economic Activities Colonel of the Customs Service Vasilchenko Olga Gennadievna28-22-25
Deputy Head of Customs for Law Enforcement Colonel of the Customs Service Baturin Alexey Anatolievich28-22-24
DUTY OFFICER28-22-27 23-18-04
Department headPyatkin Sergey Sergeevich28-22-23
Department headKochegarov Alexey Nikolaevich28-22-35f
Deputy Head of DepartmentGerasimov Sergey Vladimirovich28-22-36
Department officials28-22-36
Department headKorenevsky Alexander Stanislavovich28-22-96
Deputy Head of DepartmentYuriev Evgeniy Vitalievich28-22-91
Deputy Head of DepartmentMalamanov Vadim Viktorovich28-22-91
Duty Officer28-22-27
Department officials28-22-96 28-23-27f
Department headDuzhak Albert Mikhailovich28-22-30
Deputy Head of DepartmentLozhkina Olga Lvovna28-22-30
Department officials28-23-10
Department headNazarchuk Sergey Vladimirovich28-22-63f
Department headZolotarev Dmitry Gennadievich28-23-85
Department officials28-23-83f, 383f
Department headLogvinova Svetlana Yurievna28-22-50f
Deputy Head of DepartmentMayorov Sergey Nikolaevich28-22-47
Department officials28-22-92 28-22-13
Department DirectorKozlov Pavel Yakovlevich28-22-56
Deputy Head of DepartmentKrivonosov Dmitry Vladimirovich28-22-05
Department officials28-22-05 28-22-65f
Department headVasilchenko Olga Ivanovna28-22-52
Department officials28-23-64 28-23-65
Head of Department/FaxPrince Gennady Gennadievich28-22-51
Deputy heads of departmentVeselovsky Alexander Borisovich28-23-14f
Department DirectorPlotnikova Irina Vladimirovna28-23-30
Department officials28-23-07
Department DirectorIvanova Valentina Vitalievna28-22-53
Department officials28-22-07
Department headCherkunov Igor Anatolievich28-22-34
Deputy heads of departmentBelorukov Sergey Nikolaevich28-23-09
Officials28-23-81 28-23-05 28-23-03
Department headGorbunov Ivan Vladimirovich28-22-43
Department officials/fax28-22-44f
Department headBasalaev Nikolay Petrovich28-22-41
Deputy Head of DepartmentPerminov Alexander Anatolievich28-22-97f
Deputy Head of DepartmentDokuchaev Oleg Vasilievich28-22-97f
Department officials28-22-67 28-22-03 28-22-11
Department DirectorSavchuk Igor Vladimirovich28-22-42f
Department headTenman Mikhail Vladimirovich28-22-81f


Customs post code 10207110 183052, Murmansk, Shevchenko 40 Exit code for intercity 8 - 8152 Exit code for departmental communication network - 647 xxx

Head of the post, colonel of the customs serviceUrvantsev Alexey Viktorovich69-34-00
Deputy head of the post, captain of the customs serviceMaterov Sergey Viktorovich69-34-01
Deputy post chief, customs service majorNefedov Sergey Sergeevich69-34-01
Security post28-23-39
Department headPakholkov Vladimir Igorevich69-34-02
Deputy Head of DepartmentPluzhnik Olga Vladimirovna69-34-02 28-23-52
Department officials69-34-02 28-23-52
Department headTrunov Dmitry Anatolievich69-34-04
Deputy Head of DepartmentGerashchenko Evgeniy Konstantinovich69-34-04
Department officials69-34-04

Express analysis


The company's rating is very high

+3209 points for positive factors

0 points for negative factors

Positive factors

  • Long working time

    The company was registered 102 years ago, which indicates stable activity and supervision by government agencies.

  • Licenses available

    The company has received several licenses, which is a sign of the high reliability of the counterparty.

  • Participant in the public procurement system

    The company is an official participant in the public procurement system under 44-FZ.

  • Contracts as a customer

    Signed several contracts under 94-FZ, 44-FZ or 223-FZ as a customer.

  • Contracts as a performer

    Signed several contracts under 94-FZ, 44-FZ or 223-FZ as a contractor (supplier of goods or services).

  • Not included in the register of unscrupulous suppliers

    According to the FAS, it is not included in the register of unscrupulous suppliers.

  • No connections to disqualified persons

    According to the Federal Tax Service, the company’s executive bodies do not include disqualified persons.

  • There are no mass leaders and founders

    The leaders and founders of MURMANSK CUSTOMS are not included in the registers of mass leaders and mass founders of the Federal Tax Service.

  • No debts due to enforcement proceedings

    According to the FSSP, there are no open enforcement proceedings against the company.

Negative factors

Not detected


Code KLADR510000010000091
OPF code75104 (Federal government agencies)
OKTMO code47701000001
SDR code03491000038

See also information about registration of MURMANSK CUSTOMS with the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund of Russia and the Social Insurance Fund


Customs post code 10207050 183038, Murmansk, st. Portovy proezd, 19 Intercity exit code 8 – 8152

Head of the post, Major of the Customs ServiceKarimov Timur Rimovich28-22-94
Deputy head of the post, lieutenant colonel of the customs serviceEfimovich Sergei Vladimirovich48-01-22
Deputy head of the post, colonel of the customs serviceYurtaeva Natalya Evgenevna48-01-22
Deputy head of the post, captain of the customs serviceGuryev Ruslan Yurievich28-22-94


Customs post code 10207100 Russian-Finnish state border, 184354, Murmansk region, Kola district, Lotta international checkpoint Exit code for intercity 8 - 8152 Exit code for departmental communication network - 647 xxx

Head of the post, Lieutenant Colonel of the Customs ServiceKocherezhkin Alexander Mikhailovich28-23-93 28-84-51
Deputy head of the post, colonel of the customs serviceVasilchenko Viktor Vladimirovich28-23-93
Deputy head of the post, colonel of the customs serviceYufryakov Pavel Yurievich28-84-51

– Timur Rimovich, with what indicators does Murmansk customs approach its 100th anniversary? What have you achieved? What are your plans and prospects? The question is quite broad, but as the interview progresses we will try to make it more specific.

– Murmansk customs annually records approximately the same indicators for foreign trade turnover, product groups for export and import. The region of activity is export-oriented. If we take this year, then the value of foreign trade turnover is about four billion US dollars, and the cargo turnover is about 3.5 million tons. If we talk about replenishing the federal budget, the Murmansk customs makes a significant contribution every year and since the beginning of this year, the customs has transferred more than 3.3 billion rubles to the budget, which is 106% of the annual target.

In recent years, the Russian customs service has developed along the path of digitalization, and today operates according to international standards. Murmansk customs is actively involved in this process. It all started fifteen years ago, when the first electronic declaration was completed and issued in our region. It was a breakthrough then, but today it is the norm.

Moreover, over the years, many other information customs technologies have been introduced to speed up customs operations and customs control. These are preliminary information, remote release, electronic customs transit, auto-registration, auto-issue of customs declarations.

This year, one of the latest information technologies in maritime transport was introduced - the Sea Port Portal CPS. This is the last type of transport for which a decision was made to require the provision of preliminary information. The technology was used experimentally, without obligation, but was constantly refined and improved so that by the time the use of the technology became mandatory, it would be convenient for all participants in the process. Murmansk customs also went through the preparatory stage; we regularly gathered participants in foreign economic activity, ship agents, port services, talked about the capabilities of the software, conducted consultations and practical training on working with this technology. And today this work has yielded positive results. Since July 1 of this year, when this technology became mandatory for use, all participants are absolutely confident in working with it. The “Sea Port Portal” software package operates on the “one window” principle: the declarant submits preliminary information about the sea vessel and export-import goods, and all controlling services - customs, border service, sanitary and veterinary service, port services - see this information and can work with it.

At the moment, the use of the Sea Port Portal CPS allows us, out of the 4.5 thousand ships that we are currently registering, to register 3.5 thousand ships without going on board the ship.

I will say more, there are a number of sea vessels on board which customs officers do not come on board and do not work as part of the commission. The procedure is of a notification nature - this is very important, especially when it comes to fishing vessels. All work in the software product takes only 10-15 minutes.

– And yet, since we touched on the topic of the speed of completing customs formalities, not so long ago fishermen complained that in some cases documents were processed extremely slowly - they almost stood with a stopwatch, because the procedure took more than the allotted time. Tell me, what is the situation now? And what is being done to improve it?

– At the moment, the Sea Port Portal CPS allows you to work electronically - from submitting the necessary information to receiving a decision from government bodies. As for the rest of the work, the customs service is constantly developing, and there are long-term development plans. Surely you have already come across the expression “intelligent customs”. As part of the implementation of the Customs Service Development Strategy, both the service and procedures will be modernized. Already now, declaration procedures are carried out separately from actual control. In the coming year, 16 electronic declaration centers will be finally formed across the country, where export-import declarations will be submitted electronically, and here they will be processed using auto-registration and auto-issue technologies. Border customs authorities will become customs houses of actual control, where actual control will be carried out - inspection, inspection of export-import goods being moved.

– That is, all customs posts in the Murmansk region will become points of actual control?

– Yes, Murmansk customs will be transformed into a customs office of actual control, that is, we will not accept and process declarations, but we will exercise actual control over sea, land and air transport. Since July 2021, an experiment has begun in the North-West region; goods are declared at the Baltic Center for Electronic Declaration (everything transported by sea) and the St. Petersburg Center for Electronic Declaration (goods transported by other modes of transport). Two posts of Murmansk customs - Sea Port and Kirovsky - are participating in this experiment.

We worked with those participants who work in our region, explained to them the strategy for the development of the customs service, and I am convinced that we were understood correctly.

As for the development of electronic declaration, as I already said, the process began 15 years ago. Today, process automation is at a fairly high level; almost 100% of goods are declared electronically. This process does not require the physical participation of a customs officer, which not only speeds up the process of completing customs formalities, but also eliminates the corruption component. According to the current Customs Code of the EAEU, one hour is allotted for registering a declaration and another four hours for issuing a declaration, but in automatic mode the process is significantly reduced in time - to several minutes.

As for individuals, there is a section on the website of the Federal Customs Service (FCS) where you can fill out a passenger customs declaration if you, as an individual, are moving goods that are subject to written declaration, or if you have doubts about the need for declaration . And at the customs post it is enough to simply present it, having printed it in advance. The opportunity to fill out a passenger customs declaration on paper directly at the customs post at the border will remain until 2021. By the way, from February 1, 2021, a new passenger declaration form will be introduced. We will inform citizens additionally through the media and post information at border customs posts.

– There are customs posts on your map that many people don’t even know about...

– Over the past hundred years, a lot has changed in the structure of Murmansk customs. Today, there are five border customs posts in the region - Salla International Border Crossing Post, Lotta International Automobile Border Crossing Post, Borisoglebsk International Automobile Border Crossing Post, Murmansk Airport and Murmansk Sea Port, Kirov Customs Post and one internal one - Murmansk Customs Post. The region of activity of the Kirov customs post includes the central and southern part of the region, including the ports of Vitino and Kandalaksha. The Murmansk customs post provides control of goods in road transport and international mail in Murmansk.

– How do you feel about the fact that another checkpoint may appear on the map of the Murmansk region - in Kovdor?

– Like any Murmansk resident, I am interested in seeing the region develop. Including through tourism. Therefore, there is nothing bad if another border checkpoint appears.

– Let’s talk about violations, especially of individuals. How to protect yourself from violations?

– This year, Murmansk customs has initiated slightly more administrative cases against individuals than usual. Some citizens in their explanations indicate ignorance of the law as the reason for committing offenses. Let me remind you that there is an official website of the Federal Customs Service on the Internet, where in the “Individuals” section you can find all the necessary information, including the passenger customs declaration. In addition, the Murmansk customs office operates a consultation center where you can contact for free advice on an issue of interest. Most offenses by individuals are committed, let’s say, without malicious intent, when citizens think that they are not violating the existing rules for duty-free import of goods. But I want to remind you that at any border customs post there are scales on which you can weigh your goods and then decide whether to fill out a declaration and which corridor to go through. There is a category of people who do not often cross the border and go through customs control, or, for example, have doubts, then we recommend filling out a passenger customs declaration and following the red corridor.

– Many Murmansk residents have a question regarding the movement of goods of animal and plant origin by individuals across the land border. In our region there is only one checkpoint - Borisoglebsk, where there is border veterinary and phytosanitary control. Has Murmansk customs taken any action to ensure that the Sall and Lotta checkpoints are also equipped?

– Unfortunately, customs does not have the competence to equip checkpoints. At the moment, the border units of Rosselkhoznadzor in our region work only at the Borisoglebsk international checkpoint, if we talk about the land section of the border. Murmansk customs approached the relevant department with the initiative to organize border veterinary and phytosanitary control on the Russian-Finnish section of the border at the Lotta checkpoint and the Salla checkpoint, but so far this has not happened.

– What are your plans for the coming year?

– Regarding participants in foreign economic activity, this is the further development of declarations in electronic declaration centers, it will move further and faster. Murmansk customs will work on actual control. This will speed up work, including through the use of all available customs information technologies and software. Regarding individuals, the rules for duty-free import of goods by international mail and express delivery will change from the new year. This norm will be reduced in cost to 200 euros, the weight will remain the same to 31 kg, but there will be no restrictions on the number of international mail items per month to one individual. At the same time, the rates of customs duties required to be paid in case of exceeding the duty-free norm for goods in MPO and express deliveries from abroad will also decrease. In addition, when importing goods in the accompanied luggage of individuals, the concept of indivisible goods (for example, large household appliances, furniture, etc.) will not apply. This concept with its parameters will go away and the norm for duty-free import of goods weighing up to 25 kg and costing up to 500 euros will remain.

— What about working hours? Is the option of 24-hour operation of land borders being considered?

– On land sections of the border, such a decision is made jointly with neighboring states. There is no such solution yet. When making such a decision, they proceed from the principle of whether there is a need for this, first of all, from the point of view of passenger and cargo flow through border checkpoints, including at different times of the day. In our region, both sides, I mean the neighboring states of Finland and Norway, do not consider the need to switch to round-the-clock operation of checkpoints, taking into account today’s passenger flow.

– Timur Rimovich, you are an experienced customs officer, you served in different sections of the border, you know well the intricacies and features of the service. Where is it more interesting to work – in an office or at a post?

– Indeed, I served both at the sea and on the land border from an inspector to the head of a customs post. Then he went to work, as you said, in the office. Of course there is a difference. Fasting is living work. But even today, as the acting head of the Murmansk customs, I often go to customs posts to see how the post works, what the atmosphere is like there in general, whether there are problems, and on the spot we quickly solve them, as far as the situation allows.

– And to put an end to the theme of the 100th anniversary and the upcoming New Year holidays – your wishes to your colleagues and Murmansk residents.

– I congratulate all colleagues working today at the Murmansk customs, and those who previously worked here in different years, on the 100th anniversary of the Murmansk customs and wish everyone well, success in their service and in their personal lives, achieving their goals and good luck. I have been working at Murmansk customs for a long time and I know that professionally competent and decent people who work here are responsible and honest in their work. And I congratulate all Murmansk residents on the New Year and wish you happiness, fulfillment of desires, festive mood, all the best, and of course, a great way to celebrate the coming year.


Customs post code 10207070 184304, Murmashi settlement, Kola district, Murmansk region, Airport Exit code for intercity 8 - 8152 Exit code for departmental communication network - 647 xxx

Head of the post captain of the customs serviceMorozov Vladimir Alexandrovich25-85-91 28-23-54
Deputy head of the post, senior lieutenant of the customs serviceOkorkov Oleg Valentinovich25-85-91 28-23-54
Post officials28-23-87f

Customs broker services

  • Personal customs clearance specialist;
  • We prepare and execute the necessary documentation - declarations, applications, various permitting forms, documents, reporting;
  • Recommendations on HS codes for goods;
  • Preliminary calculation of customs value and amount of advance customs payments;
  • Drawing up DT projects and related documents;
  • Document flow with customs;
  • Submission of information at the request of Murmansk customs;
  • Representation of the Customer's interests in the customs authorities of the Russian Federation;
  • Organization, if necessary, of preliminary customs inspection of goods and vehicles before submitting the DT;
  • Drawing up a declaration of intent under the seal of the customs representative;
  • Consulting in the field of foreign economic activity (FEA);
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