Description of the emblem The Great Emblem of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation The emblem of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation represents
HomeCustoms clearancePlaces of clearance TsEDMineralovodsk TsED Attention! Mineralovodsk customs post (TsED customs of Mineralnye Vody (10802000)) –
Officials of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation Article 3 of the Federal Law of July 21, 1997
HomeCustoms clearancePlaces of clearance CED Kursk CED Attention! The Kursk Electronic Declaration Center has been liquidated and is no longer
Customs post A customs post is a customs authority that is part of a single centralized system of the Federal Customs Service
+7 brings to your attention customs statistics based on the customs database of Kazakhstan and the database
Supply contract on FAS terms Price on FAS terms Go to the list of all conditions
The essence of the concept of risk profile To implement effective control in the customs area, a system is used
When going to China, you should keep in mind that the established customs rules of China are not relevant
The customs clearance procedure The customs clearance procedure is divided into several main stages: To the customs service