Positions and special ranks in customs authorities 

General list

Both citizens who have just entered the service here and employees with a certain amount of work experience receive ranks at customs. In the cumulative list, without division into categories, the following ranks appear:

  1. Ensigns: ordinary and senior.
  2. Lieutenants: simple, junior and senior.
  3. Captain.
  4. Major.
  5. Lieutenant colonel.
  6. Colonel.
  7. Generals: major, lieutenant and colonel.
  8. State Advisor.

What ranks should there be in customs and their purpose is regulated by clause 1 of Art. 5 Federal Law No. 114.

Regional features in the salaries of customs officers

Throughout the country, the wages of customs officers are constantly increasing, but there are regional specifics. It is influenced by many factors, the main ones being the position held and the place of work.

The salary of customs officers by region is as follows:

  • Russian Customs Academy, where two employees from the customs management team work. Their salary is 184 thousand rubles/month.
  • Far Eastern Customs Department - about 102 thousand rubles/month.
  • Central Forensic Department - 98 thousand rubles.
  • Sevastopol and Crimean customs - about 61 thousand rubles per month.

Employees of the state division of the Federal Customs Service earn an order of magnitude less:

  • Far Eastern Customs Department - 50.8 thousand rubles/month.
  • Siberian Customs Administration - almost 45 thousand rubles.
  • Other regions of the country - 30–32 thousand rubles/month.

Position system

It is formed on the basis of clause 2 of Art. 5 of the designated law. Arranged according to a hierarchical principle. Ranks in Russian customs are divided into four groups in ascending order:

  1. Jr.
  2. Middle manager.
  3. Senior commander.
  4. Top management.

The positions of the first three categories and the requirements for them are approved by the Chairman of the State Customs Committee of the country. The formation of clause 4 is the prerogative of the president.

Federal Law No. 114 regulates that at the state level, customs officers receive special ranks in the following format.

Rank/Composition Positions
Jr Ensigns
Average Lieutenants and captain
Senior Major, lieutenant colonel and colonel
Higher Generals and Advisor

Features of the profession “customs officer”

You can get a diploma in the desired field in special educational institutions of II–III level of accreditation, or in faculties at universities, institutes or academies. Future applicants must have knowledge in the humanitarian sphere, economics, languages, and law. After completing their studies, graduates can find work at customs.

What is required from an applicant for the position of customs officer

The main requirements for applicants include:

  • You have to pass a military medical commission.
  • Visit a psychologist.
  • Possess knowledge of customs, economics, criminology, and merchandising.
  • Know the articles of customs legislation and the rules of sanitary and veterinary control.
  • Diploma of completion of the Faculty of Finance, Economics or Law. If you do not have a diploma, you must undergo training at the Customs Training Center.

We invite you to watch a video about the work of the Customs Service of the Russian Federation:

Customs officers' points in Russia are located at a border checkpoint on the state border, at an airport, at a sea or river port, or at a railway station.

Rating of the profession Customs officer in the Russian Federation

First and next

These may be ranks in customs. Some can only be promoted to the rank of captain by the heads of the relevant departments. To do this, they must be vested with a certain right of the Chairman of the State Customs Committee.

Second officers can receive positions in the hierarchy from major to colonel. They are assigned by the head of the State Customs Committee himself. The same principle applies when an employee moves into middle or senior management.

Ranks in customs from major general are received from the President. Candidates are nominated to him by the Chairman of the State Customs Committee.

When an employee is assigned the first special rank, he must take an oath. To do this, he is given a period of 2 months from this moment. You can find the necessary text of the oath in Art. 19 Federal Law 114. The algorithm for its adoption is interpreted by the head of the State Customs Committee.

Positions and special ranks in customs authorities

A position should be understood as a separate part of the organizational structure of a customs authority (customs service organization) and enshrined in official documents (staffing schedules, salary schedules, etc.) with the corresponding part of the competence of this customs authority (customs service organization) granted to a person - a state customs official for the purpose of its practical implementation. The position determines the range of official duties, the rights and limits of responsibility of the state customs officer, and the requirements for his professional qualifications. It reflects the content of the work performed by a customs officer and determines his legal position in the general system of the state customs service.

The system of positions in the customs service is built on a hierarchical basis, divided into the following four groups:

  1. Junior squad
  2. Middle management
  3. Senior command staff
  4. Senior management

Lists of positions of state customs employees of junior, middle and senior command staff and special ranks corresponding to these positions, as well as qualification requirements for employees occupying these positions, are approved by the Chairman of the State Customs Committee of Russia. The list of positions of state customs officials of senior command and the corresponding special ranks are approved by the President of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Service in the Customs Bodies of the Russian Federation,” state customs officials may be awarded the following special ranks:

Junior staff

- ensign of the customs service; senior warrant officer of the customs service;

Middle management

- junior lieutenant of the customs service; Lieutenant of the Customs Service; senior lieutenant of the customs service; customs captain;

Senior management staff

- Major of the Customs Service; Lieutenant Colonel of the Customs Service; Colonel of the Customs Service;

Senior management

- Major General of the Customs Service; Lieutenant General of the Customs Service; Colonel General of the Customs Service; actual state advisor of the customs service.

Special ranks assigned to state customs officials in accordance with the positions they occupy are divided into first and secondary. The first special rank up to and including captain of the customs service is assigned by the heads of customs authorities and customs service organizations, to whom such a right is granted by the Chairman of the State Customs Committee of Russia. The first special rank to a state customs official appointed to a position of middle or senior command, and the next special ranks from major to colonel of the customs service inclusive, are assigned by the Chairman of the State Customs Committee of Russia. Special ranks from Major General of the Customs Service and above are assigned by the President of the Russian Federation on the recommendation of the Chairman of the State Customs Committee of Russia.

An important legal requirement of the state customs service is that the customs officer takes an oath, which he must take no later than two months from the date of assignment of the first special rank. The text of the oath is contained in Art. 19 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Service in Customs Authorities”. The procedure for taking the oath is determined by the Chairman of the State Customs Committee of Russia.

The assignment of special ranks to state customs officials is carried out in a sequential manner if the specified rank corresponds to the position held and after the expiration of the established period of service in the previous special rank.

The next special rank as an incentive for the conscientious performance of official duties can be awarded to a customs officer before the expiration of the established period of service in the previous rank, but it cannot be higher than the rank of the corresponding position. For special merits, the next special rank one step higher than the corresponding position may be awarded upon expiration of the period of service in the special rank. The next rank one step higher than the corresponding position (up to and including colonel of the customs service) can be awarded to a customs officer who has an academic degree or academic title.

Nomination for the assignment of the next rank of a state customs official who has a disciplinary sanction (except for one announced orally) or against whom a criminal case has been initiated or an official investigation is being carried out on facts of violation of official discipline is not made until the disciplinary sanction is lifted or the criminal case is terminated on rehabilitative grounds or completion of the internal audit.

The head of the customs authority who unreasonably delayed the nomination of his employee for the assignment of the next special rank bears disciplinary liability. In this case, the specified employee has the right to compensation for the required types of allowances that he would receive if he were timely assigned to the next special rank.

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Question about length of service

Special ranks are assigned sequentially in accordance with the position that the employee occupies, as well as upon completion of a standardized period of service.

An employee can be awarded another title as a reward for conscientious work. Moreover, this happens before the end of the service period. But, one way or another, a customs officer does not receive a title that does not correspond to the position.

For special achievements, the next title may be one step higher than the position. But you can become its owner only when your period of service is completed.

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Jurisprudence / Customs law / 4.3 Positions and special titles of customs officers

The system of positions for customs officers is built on a hierarchical basis, divided into the following four groups:

· junior staff;

· middle management;

· senior command staff;

· senior management.

Lists of junior, middle and senior management positions and the special ranks corresponding to these positions, as well as qualification requirements for employees holding these positions, are approved by the head of the federal executive body authorized in the field of customs affairs. The list of positions of state customs officials of senior command and the corresponding special ranks are approved by the President of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the federal law “On Service in the Customs Authorities of the Russian Federation,” customs officials may be assigned the following special ranks:

· junior staff – warrant officer of the customs service; senior warrant officer of the customs service;

· middle command staff – junior lieutenant of the customs service; Lieutenant of the Customs Service; Senior Lieutenant of the Customs Service; customs captain;

· senior command staff - major of the customs service; Lieutenant Colonel of the Customs Service; Colonel of the Customs Service;

· senior command staff – Major General of the Customs Service; Lieutenant General of the Customs Service; Colonel General of the Customs Service; actual state advisor of the customs service.

Special ranks assigned to customs officials in accordance with the positions they occupy are divided into first and secondary. The first special rank up to and including captain of the customs service is assigned by the heads of customs authorities and customs service organizations, to whom such a right is granted by the Head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

The first special rank for a customs officer appointed to a middle or senior management position, and subsequent special ranks from major to colonel of the customs service inclusive, are assigned by the Head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

Special ranks from major general of the customs service and above are assigned by the President of the Russian Federation on the recommendation of the head of the federal executive body authorized in the field of customs affairs. The assignment of special ranks to customs officers is carried out in a sequential manner if the specified rank corresponds to the position held and after the expiration of the established period of service in the previous special rank.

The next special rank as an incentive for the conscientious performance of official duties can be awarded before the expiration of the established period of service in the previous rank, but it cannot be higher than the rank corresponding to the position. For special merits, the next special rank one step higher than the rank corresponding to the position may be awarded upon expiration of the period of service in the special rank.

A customs officer who has a disciplinary sanction (except for one announced orally) or against whom a criminal case has been initiated or an official investigation is being carried out on facts of violation of official discipline is not recommended for assignment to the next rank of a customs officer, shall not be made until the disciplinary sanction is lifted or the criminal case is terminated on rehabilitative grounds or completion of the internal audit.

The head of the customs authority who unreasonably delayed the nomination of his employee for the assignment of the next special rank bears disciplinary liability.

Academic degrees

To obtain the next rank in customs, one level above a certain position, there is another loophole. To do this, the employee must have an academic degree. But this principle is limited hierarchically: after the rank of colonel, it no longer applies.

Customs officers who have this degree also receive a financial bonus. It is produced monthly. Calculated as a percentage of the official salary. Its parameters depend on the magnitude of the degree. These data are reflected in the following table:

Degree Surcharge in %
PhD 5
Doctor 10
Assistant professor 5
Professor 10

An employee receives a bonus in the following cases:

  1. If he has a degree by the initial day of work in the customs department. Accrual starts from this time.
  2. He receives his degree while serving in customs. The calculation starts from the day when the All-Russian Academy of Sciences makes a decision on issuing a diploma, a candidate, or awards a doctorate.
  3. For professorial rank or associate professor status. Accrual is carried out from the day when the Ministry of Education makes a positive verdict on the awarding of these degrees.

Factors that influence the salary of a customs officer

The salary of a customs specialist depends on the following factors:

  • Titles
  • Long service allowances.
  • Additional payments.
  • Positions.
  • Service region.
  • A coefficient that is established for law enforcement and civil services.
  • Bonuses - quarterly, annual, monthly.

Additional payments that affect the salary of customs officers in 2021 are paid to customs employees for special conditions of public service, work with special information, for the quality of service, academic title, class rank, and achievements. For customs officers who work in remote regions and hard-to-reach places of the country.

Average salary of a customs officer in the Russian Federation 2018-2019

And also food rations or compensation for it in the form of money are added to the wages. Many customs officers have to work overtime, and for this they are awarded additional vacation days. Financial assistance to customs officers is equal to two months' salary.

It is also important where the customs officer works. There are two types of customs services - law enforcement and civil. The size of wages, which are formed according to two different tariff scales, also depends on this. Law enforcement customs officers earn one and a half times more than civilian customs officers.

The average salary of customs officers also depends on the level of the minimum salary, which is established for the current year in the Russian Federation.

In a situation involving misconduct

If an employee has been subject to a disciplinary sanction (the exception being an oral one) or is accused in a criminal case, then his professional advancement is suspended. And he can apply for a new title only after the claims are dropped and the criminal process is completed. Moreover, in the latter, the second option should include rehabilitating grounds.

Also, the employee does not receive a new rank while an official check is being carried out.

If the head of a customs organization, without valid justification, delays the promotion of a subordinate to the next rank, he is subject to disciplinary punishment. And the designated employee can count on compensation for the well-deserved funds that he could have received if he had been awarded the next rank in a timely manner.

Epaulets and stars. General provisions

All ranks of customs officers are expressed in the clothes of the employees. There are also distinctive features in the shoulder straps. This includes the number, location, diameters of stars, geometric shape of the edges, color, and more.

Also, an employee in a particular rank is determined by some special elements. For example, management representatives have a line embroidered with gold thread in their uniforms.

The following describes in more detail the characteristics of shoulder straps in accordance with a specific rank.

Average salary of a customs officer in the Russian Federation

Below are the salary amounts that reflect the salary situation in law enforcement and civil customs services in the Russian Federation in 2021. The highest salaries are for customs officers who work in Moscow and the region.

For the law enforcement division of customs, the following salary levels have been established for 2021:

  • Head of department - almost 50 thousand rubles/month.
  • Head of customs posts, deputy heads - from 60 thousand to 70 thousand rubles/month.
  • Heads of customs - almost 100 thousand rubles/month.
  • Customs officers at different levels differ from the salaries of their chiefs by 20%.

The amounts indicated are net wages minus taxes, but without allowances. Additional salary formation items increase the salary by one and a half times.

Salaries of employees of the state division of the customs service are indicated below:

  • Inspectors - 15 thousand rubles/month.
  • Senior inspectors - about 18 thousand rubles/month.
  • Chief inspectors - about 25 thousand rubles/month.
  • Deputy heads of customs departments - about 25 thousand rubles/month.

The work of specialists in the Federal Customs Service in Moscow is considered one of the most prestigious in the country. Here employees earn about 45 thousand per month per month.

In the regions, the salary is 35 thousand rubles per month. Young specialists in Moscow can receive from 25 thousand rubles, in large departments the salary is higher, and varies from 75 thousand to 160 thousand rubles per month.

Is it easy to be a customs officer? You can find out from the video: “A day in the profession of a customs officer”:

Management team

In his uniform, shoulder straps have the following distinctive characteristics:

  1. Shape – rectangle
  2. The upper edge is trapezoidal.
  3. Availability of fabric coloring field.
  4. According to item 3 there is a line embroidered with textured gold thread.
  5. Green edging. It is missing from the shoulder straps on the shirt.
  6. Embroidered stars are available in similar colors to the thread shown. Their diameter is 2.2 cm.
  7. The button is located on the upper side of the shoulder straps. It is important!

Photos of high-rank customs rank shoulder straps are presented below.

Special clothing

For customs senior command staff, it has shoulder straps with the following characteristics:

  1. Rectangular shape.
  2. The edge at the top has the shape of a trapezoid.
  3. There is a field of galun.
  4. The fabric flowers are intertwined with green edging.
  5. The stars on the shoulder straps are olive in color. Their diameter is 2.2 cm.
  6. Button in the upper zone.
  7. The location of the stars is the longitudinal center line.
  8. Their number differs depending on the rank. So on the shoulder straps of the current adviser there are 4 of them.

As for the category of generals, there is the following ratio of stars: a colonel has three, a lieutenant has two, a major has one.

Senior Management Team

His uniform and special clothing is equipped with shoulder straps that have:

  1. Rectangular shape.
  2. The top edge resembles a trapezoid.
  3. There is a field of galun. It is distinguished by a special combination of fabric coloring with a pair of transverse gaps.
  4. There is an edging.
  5. There is a button in the upper zone.

Stars with a diameter of 2 cm are concentrated on them. Their number and location are also determined by the level of rank in Russian customs. The following picture emerges:

  1. Colonel - three stars. Two - from below on both sides in relation to the longitudinal line. The third is above them on the center line.
  2. Lieutenant Colonel - two. They are located two zones from the longitudinal line along the axis.
  3. Major - alone. On the designated line in step 2.

Salaries of customs officers in the Republic of Belarus

Working in customs is prestigious and in demand in the Republic of Belarus, where the salary level is lower than in the Russian Federation. Among the offered vacancies, the following are popular among Belarusians:

  • Customs inspector.
  • Border guard.
  • Border inspector.

The average salary of customs officers in the Republic of Belarus does not differ much:

  • Minimum - 414 Belarusian rubles.
  • Average - 466 Belarusian rubles.
  • Maximum - 577 Belarusian rubles.

In different regions and cities, salaries may be higher or lower than the indicated figures. Some data is presented in the table:

Region/profession (salary in Belarusian rubles/month)MinskGrodnoSvislachDzherdzhinsk
Customs clearance specialist750-800800-1.5 thousand700
Document specialist700From 900
Transportation organization specialist (planner)from 600
Head of the transport and forwarding department900-900
Head of Customs Clearance Department1.5 thousand
Customs declaration specialistFrom 900From 900
Customs declarantFrom 800

Middle management

The uniform and overalls for this category of customs officers are almost the same shoulder straps as those of senior management. The differences are only in three points:

  1. One transverse clearance.
  2. The diameter of the stars is 1.4 cm.

For certain ranks there is a specific number of them. The ratio is:

  1. Captain - four stars. Two below and on both sides of the longitudinal line. Another pair is located above them on the longitudinal line along the axis.
  2. Senior lieutenant - three. The location is identical to step 1. Only one star on top.
  3. Lieutenant - two. Their positions are similar to clauses 1 and 2.
  4. Junior lieutenant - one. Location - on the longitudinal line along the axis.

Junior employees

Shoulder straps are sewn onto their uniforms and overalls, which are identical in geometry and design to those of senior management. The stars on the shoulder straps have a diameter of 1.4 cm (the same as the average composition). Depending on the rank, their number and location are as follows:

  1. Senior warrant officer - 3 stars. All of them are arranged on a longitudinal line along the axis.
  2. Ensign – two. The location is identical.

Sleeve symbols

This is a mandatory attribute complete with shoulder straps and stars to identify the rank of a customs officer. It is sewn to the outside of the obligatory left sleeve. This principle works for both uniforms and work clothes of employees.

Using the sleeve insignia, it is also determined which customs department of the country the official belongs to. The patch is placed on the right sleeve, on its outer side. Suitable type of clothing: tunic, jacket or woolen jumper.

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