HS code 0709 – Other vegetables, fresh or chilled

Supplier countries

The main supplying countries of bell pepper are:

  • China is the leader in the supply of sweet peppers;
  • Israel – peppers native to Israel contain the least nitrates;
  • Serbia – does not contain toxins and pesticides, the nitrate content is moderate;
  • Türkiye – this pepper has the most vitamin C;
  • Egypt - large fruits that are distinguished by a relatively high nitrate content.

We work only with legal entities. In 2021, 141.7 thousand tons of sweet pepper were supplied to the Russian Federation. Among the supplier countries also noted: Iran, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tunisia, Morocco, Macedonia.


ground black pepper energy

Pepper is called the king of spices. It is used in every home. It is the most common spice in the world. Ground black pepper is suitable for any dish. It is even used in the preparation of desserts and sweet drinks. Ground black pepper is the best friend of salads, soups and almost all dishes. The homeland of black pepper is India. From India, pepper spread to Indonesia, and then to other countries in Southeast Asia. A vine up to fifteen meters long contains fruits, which are then dried and ground into powder. Ground pepper contains many useful microelements, essential oils and vitamins. The fruits of this plant contain vitamin C, mineral salts, resin and starch. The essential oil contained in black pepper gives it a specific smell. The nitrogen-containing substance piperine provides pepper with its spicy taste. In addition to using ground pepper in cooking, there are medicinal recipes in which pepper plays a very important role. Ground pepper can be used to treat many illnesses and diseases.

The purpose of our course work is the commodity characteristics of ground black pepper for import supplies.

Objectives of this work:

.Study the chemical composition, nutritional, biological and energy value of ground black pepper.

.Study the assortment and classification of ground black pepper.

.Study the requirements for the quality and safety of ground black pepper.

.Study the requirements for labeling, packaging and storage of the product under study.

.Study methods of identification and falsification of ground black pepper.

.Conduct an analysis of the packaging and labeling of ground black pepper samples.

.Conduct special studies of ground black pepper samples.

1.Literature review

.1 General characteristics, chemical composition, energy and biological value of ground black pepper

Black pepper is a spice obtained from the dried unripe fruits of the tree vine (Piper nigrum), a plant of the pepper family.

Black pepper is an unripe fruit with a fruit shell that is quickly dried in the sun or fire. Dried pepper fruits are covered with wrinkled black or black-brown skin and have a round shape. Pepper was first mentioned in written sources more than 3,000 years ago. In medieval Europe, black pepper was not only an important spice for cooking, but also a means of paying taxes and even a dowry. In India, pepper has been highly valued since time immemorial and was one of the first oriental spices to conquer Europe, starting with Ancient Greece and Rome. Aristotle's student, the Greek philosopher Geophrastus (372-287 BC), who is sometimes called the “father of botany,” divided pepper into two types: black and long. From the Malabar coast of India, pepper traveled around the world by both sea and land routes. Currently, the largest pepper producers are India, Indonesia and Brazil, which produce more than 40,000 tons of pepper per year. The top consumers of black pepper are the USA, Russia, Germany, Japan and England.

The spiciness of peppers depends on piperine. In addition, it contains pyroline, chavicin, sugar, enzyme, gum. Peppers contain three times more vitamin C

Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity

The declarant is obliged to independently or with the help of a customs broker classify the goods and calculate customs duties.

The HS code for sweet peppers should be determined taking into account the method of processing the product. Pepper is imported fresh and frozen.

  1. For fresh sweet peppers, there are two HS codes: 0709601001 – from April 1 to September 30; 0709601002 – from October 1 to March 31. In the first case, the import duty will be 10%, and in the second - 5%.
  2. Raw frozen or pre-cooked frozen sweet peppers belong to the code 0710805100. The import duty rate for this category of goods is 13%. For products used for food purposes, VAT is set at 10%, for other products - 20%.
  3. Dried sweet peppers are classified under code 0904211000. Duty – 5%, VAT – 20%.
  4. Crushed or ground sweet pepper in the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity refers to the code 0904 22 000 0. Duty - 5%, VAT - 20%.
  5. Sweet peppers prepared or preserved with the addition of vinegar or acetic acid – 2001907000: duty – 12%, but not less than 0.06 euros/kg, VAT – 20%.

HS codes

2103 - Products for preparing sauces and ready-made sauces; mixed flavorings and seasonings; mustard powder and ready mustard:

2103Products for making sauces and ready-made sauces; mixed flavorings and seasonings; mustard powder and ready mustard:
2103 10 000 0- soy sauce
2103 20 000 0— tomato ketchup and other tomato sauces
2103 30- mustard powder and ready-made mustard:
2103 30 100 0— — mustard powder
2103 30 900 0— — mustard ready
2103 90- other:
2103 90 100 0— — liquid mango chutney
2103 90 300 0- - aromatic bitters containing 44.2-49.2% spit by volume and 1.5-6% by weight gentian, spices and various ingredients and containing 4-10% sugar, in containers of 0.5 liters or less
2103 90 900- - other:
2103 90 900 1— — — mayonnaise sauce
2103 90 900 9- - - others

(A) Products for sauces and prepared sauces;
Additives and seasonings, mixed This heading covers products, usually strongly spiced, used to flavor certain dishes (meat, fish, salads, etc.) and prepared from various ingredients (eggs, vegetables, meat, fruit, flour, starch, vegetable oil, vinegar, sugar, spices, mustard, flavorings, etc.). Sauces are usually in liquid form, while sauce products are in the form of a powder to which you only need to add milk, water, etc. to get the sauce.

Sauces are usually added to food both during cooking and when serving. Sauces provide flavor or aroma, moisture, and contrast with the food in texture and color. They can also serve as a medium in which food is placed, such as chicken with white velouté sauce. Liquid condiments (soy sauce, capsicum sauce, fish sauce) are used as ingredients in cooking and as seasonings at the table.

The heading also covers certain preparations for preparing sauces based on vegetables or fruits, which are primarily liquids, emulsions or suspensions and sometimes contain pieces of vegetables or fruits visible to the naked eye. These gravy products differ from the group's cooked or canned vegetables and fruits in that they are used as sauces, that is, as a seasoning for food or in the preparation of certain dishes, but are not intended to be eaten as a separate dish in themselves.

Mixtures of additives and seasonings containing spices (spices) differ from spices and their mixtures of headings 0904 - 0910 in that they also contain one or more flavoring substances or spices belonging to groups other than group , in such proportions that the mixture no longer possesses the essential properties of spices in the sense disclosed in the group (see the general provisions of the explanatory notes for this group).

Examples of products falling under this heading are: mayonnaise, salad dressing, Bearnaise, Bolognaise (consisting of minced meat, tomato puree, spices, etc.), soy sauce, mushroom sauce, Worcestershire sauce (usually prepared on the basis of thick soy sauce, an infusion of spices in vinegar, with the addition of salt, sugar, caramel cooler and mustard), tomato ketchup (a product made from tomato puree, sugar, vinegar, salt and spices) and other tomato sauces, celery salt ( a mixture of table salt and finely ground celery seeds), certain spice mixtures for the preparation of sausages, and products of the group (other than those of heading 22.09) prepared for culinary purposes and therefore unfit for consumption as drinks (for example, wine and cognac used in cooking).

In addition to the products of the group and mentioned above, this heading does not include:

(a) Extracts and juices of meat, fish or crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates (heading 16.03);

(b) Preparations for soups and broths, ready-made soups and broths (heading 2104);

(c) Protein hydrolysate, consisting of a mixture of amino acids and sodium chloride, used as food additives (heading 21.06);

(d) Autolyzed yeast (heading 21.06).

(B) Mustard powder and ready-made mustard

Mustard powder is prepared by grinding and sifting mustard seeds of heading 1207. It can be prepared from white or black mustard seeds or from a mixture of these two varieties. Mustard powder is classified in this heading regardless of whether the seeds have been defatted and their shells removed before grinding and regardless of the intended use.

This heading includes prepared mustard, consisting of mustard powder mixed with a small amount of other ingredients (cereal flour, turmeric, cinnamon, pepper, etc.), or a paste consisting of a mixture of mustard powder with vinegar, grape must or wine, to which salt, sugar, spices or other seasonings may be added.

Excluded from this heading are:

(a) Mustard seeds (heading 12.07);

(b) Fixed mustard oil (heading 1514);

(c) Mustard seed cakes, i.e. the product remaining after the fatty oil has been extracted from mustard seeds (heading 23.06);

(d) Essential oil obtained from mustard (heading 33.01).

Explanations for subheadings

2103 90 100 0

In this subheading, the term "mango chutney" means a product made from pickled mangoes with the addition of various products such as ginger, dried grapes, pepper and sugar.

Mango chutney of this subheading is in the form of a sauce in a more or less liquid state, completely homogenized.

2103 90 300 0

The products of this subheading are concentrated liquid alcoholic preparations that acquire their specific taste, both bitter and very aromatic, from the roots of gentian, which is used for their preparation, in combination with various spices and aromatic substances.

These concentrated aromatic bitters are additives intended for use both as flavoring additives in beverages (cocktails, syrups, soft drinks, etc.) and as seasonings such as sauces and mixed seasonings in prepared foods and baked goods. products (soups, prepared meats, fish or vegetable dishes, sauces, deli products, fruit compotes and fruit salads, fruit pies, desserts, sorbets, etc.).

These aromatic bitters are commonly sold as "Angostura bitters".

Customs clearance

Fresh sweet peppers are perishable products, therefore they are cleared through customs in an accelerated and simplified manner. At the same time, the vegetable is also a regulated product with a high phytosanitary risk and must be checked before being released into free circulation.

Fresh vegetables and fruits are accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate from the country of origin, which confirms the quality of the imported product. At the customs post, the original phytosanitary certificate is transferred to customs, and the vegetables themselves are checked at the phytosanitary station in the presence of an employee of Rosselkhoznadzor.

The purpose of phytosanitary control is to prevent the import of dangerous viruses, insect pests, and pathogenic bacteria into the territory of Russia. From July 20, 2021, peppers are being checked especially carefully because a new brown tomato fruit virus, ToBRFV, has emerged. Peppers and tomatoes are susceptible to infection. The fruits of an infected plant are smaller in size, have a rough surface, discolored areas and brown spots.

Only those importers who are registered in the Rosselkhoznadzor Register have the opportunity to import pepper. This procedure is performed in advance.

Customs payments and VAT payment

When exporting fresh sweet peppers, you will not pay the VAT rate to the budget. The price for the client is 20% VAT.

VAT rate: 0%

Export payments: 0%

Excise tax: 0%

Payment for export fresh sweet pepper from Russia 0%

When exporting, you can also apply for a VAT refund. To do this, when selling fresh sweet pepper, it is necessary to prepare a set of all necessary documents. We can help sell your products in the countries of the Customs Union and APEC

When importing (importing) into another country, you will need to pay a tax, similar to VAT. Let's say in the EU this is VAT. IMPORT VAT: 20%


For customs clearance of products, prepare a package of documents for customs, including:

  • foreign trade contract;
  • invoice;
  • CMR, bill of lading or railway waybill;
  • declaration of conformity;
  • packing list;
  • certificate of origin if you want to receive preferences on customs duties.

Carefully ensure that the documents are filled out correctly and the information provided is accurate. Typos and inaccuracies will not work in your favor. Pay special attention to the calculation of customs duties and determination of customs value. Customs often announces an adjustment to the customs value. The risk of adjustment is especially high if the batch was purchased at a price below the market average.

Permits for the export of fresh sweet peppers

If you are a manufacturer, we will help you prepare the necessary documents for exporting fresh sweet peppers to the EU, CIS, ASIA, AFRICA or AMERICA.

  • constituent papers of the exporting organization;
  • foreign economic agreement or you can order the execution of the agreement;
  • transaction passport for the contract amount over $50,000;
  • invoice for cargo with the exporter's stamp;
  • invoice with data on the weight and quantity of goods;
  • transport documents;
  • certificate or passport for goods;


Certification of food products, if they do not relate to dietary or baby food, in this case sweet peppers, is carried out in the form of a declaration. If these products are intended for special therapeutic dietary or preventive nutrition, then a SGR is issued, i.e. products are subject to state registration with Rospotrebnadzor.

When checking compliance, several CU TRs can be used. Basic:

  • 021/2011 “On food safety”;
  • 022/2011 “Food products in terms of their labeling.”

In addition, the following CU TRs are used for processed products:

  • 027/2012 “On the safety of certain types of specialized food products, including dietary therapeutic and dietary preventive nutrition”;
  • 029/2012 “Requirements for the safety of food additives, flavorings and processing aids.”

Sweet peppers are included in the so-called dirty dozen because they have an increased ability to accumulate pesticides and other chemicals and are often affected by black mold. The content of pesticides, nitrates, radionuclides, and heavy metals will be checked during laboratory testing of product samples.

Each packaging unit of goods must be marked in accordance with the technical regulations of the vehicle. Thus, the labeling indicates: information about the manufacturer and importer, name, shelf life and conditions, weight, date of collection. The EAC sign must be affixed, which means that the product has been tested for compliance with the CU TR and there is a corresponding declaration or certificate.

In addition to the mandatory declaration, the importer can issue a voluntary certificate confirming compliance with GOST. But the declaration is drawn up first. These documents are not interchangeable.

When applying for a mandatory declaration or a voluntary certificate, you must provide:

  • organizational, constituent documents;
  • OGRN, TIN certificates;
  • regulatory documents - GOST or TU;
  • foreign trade contract.

The full list of documentation should be checked directly with the certification center.


Sweet peppers are often transported in net bags. Whole, clean, fresh vegetables are selected for import. With this approach, the chances of successful transportation and preservation of the marketable appearance of the product increase several times.

Of course, it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature regime. Fresh vegetables are transported chilled, since at low temperatures all biochemical processes slow down.

Frozen peppers are transported using refrigerators, because... It is important to maintain sub-zero temperatures throughout the transport. It is necessary to provide for the possibility of observing appropriate conditions during storage in a temporary storage warehouse for the period of customs clearance.

All types of vehicles are used for transport:

  • air;
  • railway;
  • automobile;
  • nautical;
  • multimodal.

But keep in mind that fresh sweet peppers have a limited shelf life.

Help SB Cargo

Preparation for transportation and customs clearance of perishable products requires maximum concentration from the importer, which is difficult to do when it is necessary to perform diverse tasks. The risks are heightened by the fact that the importer, at best, has little legal and practical experience in transporting some goods. For the time being, successful independent customs clearance may take place, but there are no guarantees.

It is advisable to delegate the task of customs clearance of perishable products to a professional - a customs broker who is familiar with the specifics and has extensive experience. SB Cargo specialists will help with the preparation of permits, calculation of customs duties and customs value, and classification of goods. We carry out not only individual tasks of customs clearance and transportation of goods, but also provide foreign trade outsourcing services, i.e. We draw up a deal for our company.

Cooperation with us is confirmed by a brokerage agreement. For calculations we will need basic documents: invoice, packing list. You can ask all questions by phone or email. We are waiting for your applications.

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