8481 Taps, valves, valves and similar fittings for pipelines, boilers, reservoirs, tanks, tanks or similar containers, including pressure-reducing and temperature-controlled valves:

HS codes

8481 - Taps, valves, valves and similar fittings for pipelines, boilers, tanks, tanks, tanks or similar containers, including pressure-reducing and temperature-controlled valves:

8481Taps, valves, valves and similar fittings for pipelines, boilers, reservoirs, tanks, tanks or similar containers, including pressure reducing and temperature-controlled valves:
8481 10— pressure reducing valves for pressure regulation:
8481 10 050 0— — combined with filters or lubricating devices
- - other:
8481 10 190- - - from cast iron or steel:
8481 10 190 1— — — — for the production of aircraft engines
8481 10 190 9- - - - others
8481 10 990 0- - - others
8481 20— valves for oil-hydraulic or pneumatic transmissions:
8481 20 100— — control valves for oil-hydraulic power transmissions:
8481 20 100 1— — — for the production of aircraft engines
8481 20 100 9- - - others
8481 20 900— — control valves for pneumatic power transmissions:
8481 20 900 1— — — for the production of aircraft engines
8481 20 900 9- - - others
8481 30— check valves (non-return):
8481 30 910- - - from cast iron or steel:
8481 30 910 1— — — for the production of aircraft engines
8481 30 910 9- - - others
8481 30 990 0- - others
8481 40— safety or relief valves:
8481 40 100 0— — from cast iron or steel
8481 40 900 0- - others
8481 80— other fittings:
- - taps, valves and vents for sinks, washbasins, bidets, water tanks, bathtubs and similar devices:
8481 80 110 0— — — mixing fittings
8481 80 190 0- - - other
- - fittings for central heating radiators:
8481 80 310 0— — — thermostatic fittings
8481 80 390 0- - - other
8481 80 400 0- - fittings for pneumatic tires and tubes
- - other:
— — — regulating valves:
8481 80 510 0— — — — temperature regulators
8481 80 59- - - - others:
8481 80 591 0— — — — — pressure regulators
8481 80 599 0— — — — — others
- - - others:
- - - - valves:
8481 80 610 0— — — — — from cast iron
8481 80 63- - - - - of steel:
8481 80 631 0— — — — — — intended for operation at ambient temperature - 40 °C and below, pressure 16 Pa and above, in an environment containing hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
8481 80 632 0— — — — — — intended for operation at ambient temperature - 55 °C and below, pressure 80 Pa and above
8481 80 639 0— — — — — — others
8481 80 690 0- - - - - others
— — — — shut-off valves:
8481 80 710 0— — — — — from cast iron
8481 80 73- - - - - of steel:
8481 80 731 0— — — — — — intended for operation at ambient temperature - 40 °C and below, pressure 16 Pa and above, in an environment containing hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
8481 80 732 0— — — — — — intended for operation at ambient temperature - 55 °C and below, pressure 80 Pa and above
8481 80 739— — — — — — others
8481 80 739 1— — — for industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701-8705, their components and assemblies
8481 80 739 9- - - others
8481 80 790 0- - - - - others
8481 80 81— — — — taps:
8481 80 811 0— — — — — intended for operation at ambient temperature — 40 °C and below, pressure 16 Pa and above, in an environment containing hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
8481 80 812 0— — — — — intended for operation at ambient temperature - 55 °C and below, pressure 80 Pa and above
8481 80 819 0— — — — — others
8481 80 850- - - - butterfly valves:
8481 80 850 1— — — — — intended for operation at an ambient temperature of -40°C and below, a pressure of 16 Pa and above, in an environment containing seohydrogen (H2S) 2)
8481 80 850 2— — — — — intended for operation at ambient temperatures of -55°C and below, pressure 80 Pa and above2)
8481 80 850 9— — — — — others
8481 80 870 0— — — — membrane fittings
8481 80 990- - - - others
8481 80 990 1— — — — — for the production of aircraft engines
8481 80 990 9- - - - - others
8481 90 000 0- parts

This heading includes taps, valves, taps and other similar accessories of a type used for installation externally or internally on pipelines, tanks, tanks, etc.
for the purpose of regulating the flow (when feeding, draining, etc.) of various fluids of liquid, viscous and gaseous or, in certain cases, solid particles (for example sand). This heading covers such devices as are intended to regulate the pressure or flow rate of a liquid or gas. The flow control of these accessories is achieved by opening or closing the flow area (for example, by means of a gate, disk, ball, plug, needle or diaphragm). They can be operated manually (by means of a key, handwheel, push button, etc.), or by an electric motor, electromagnet, clock mechanism, etc., or by an automatic device, such as a spring, counterweight, float lever, thermostatic element or diaphragm pressure sensor.

Taps, valves, etc., containing such mechanisms or devices are classified in this heading. This applies, for example, to a valve equipped with a thermostatic element (double-leaf, capsule, bulb, etc.). The heading also covers valves, etc., connected to a thermostatic element by means of, for example, a capillary tube.

Combinations consisting of tap, valve, etc. with a thermostat, manostat or any other measuring, controlling or automatically controlled instrument or apparatus of heading 9026 or 9032, continues to fall within that heading if the instrument or apparatus is mounted or designed to be mounted directly on tap, valve, etc., and provided that such combined apparatus has an inherent characteristic of the product of this heading. If these conditions are not satisfied, then such combination apparatus is classified in heading 9026 (for example, a liquid-type pressure gauge mounted on a drain valve) or heading 9032.

Where remote control systems are used, only the tap, valve, etc., is classified in this heading.

In general, taps, valves, etc. are made of base metal or of plastic materials, but if they are made of materials other than uncured vulcanized rubber, ceramic materials or glass, then they are also included in this heading.

Taps, valves, etc. continue to fall within the heading even if other additional distinctive features are included in their design (for example, double walls for heating or cooling purposes; short lengths of pipe; short lengths of pipe ending in a shower head; small bowls with a drinking fountain; locking devices).

Taps, valves, valves, etc. continue to remain in the heading even if they are specifically intended for use in the construction of a particular machine or apparatus, or transport vehicle or aircraft. However, some parts of machinery which include the entire valve, or which control the flow of fluid within the machine, although not forming a complete valve, are classified as parts of the relevant machinery, for example, intake or exhaust valves of internal combustion engines (trade). heading 8409), spool valves for steam engines (heading 8412), suction or discharge valves for air or gas compressors (heading 8414), pulsators for milking machines (heading 8434) and nipples for manual lubrication (heading 8485).


This heading includes, among other things:

(1) Reducing valves for reducing the pressure of gases and maintaining this reduced pressure at an approximately constant level by means of a plug or plug, the position of which is generally regulated by a device responsive to pressure (diaphragm, bellows, capsule, etc.) and damped by means of a spring with adjustable tension. These accessories provide direct regulation of the pressure of gases passing through them; They are mounted, for example, on compressed gas cylinders, on pressurized tanks or on supply pipes in the appliance systems they serve.

In addition, the heading also covers pressure reducing valves (sometimes called pressure regulators, pressure reducers or pressure regulator-reducers) which are also mounted on the outlets of pressure vessels, boiler units, on connected fuel supply lines or in the vicinity of devices which they serve to perform the same function when applied to compressed air, steam, water, hydrocarbons or other types of liquids.

When combined with a pressure gauge, pressure reducing valves are classified either in this heading or in heading 90.26, depending on whether such combined apparatus retains the required characteristics of a tap, valve, etc. or not (see the fourth paragraph of this explanation).

(2) Valves for hydraulic and pneumatic transmissions. These valves can be of any type (pressure reducing, control, etc.) and are used specifically in the “power flow” transmission of a hydraulic or pneumatic system, where the power source is supplied by a pressurized flow (liquid or gas).

(3) Non-return valves (eg, flap check valves and ball valves).

(4) Safety valves, relief valves, etc., whether or not they include a warning whistle.

In certain cases, instead of valves, rupture disks (thin disks made of plastic materials or metal) are used as safety devices; they are mounted in a piping system or on pressure vessels using a holder and burst at a certain pressure. They are classified according to the material from which they are made (headings 3926, 7115, 7326, 7419, 7508, 7616, etc.).

(5) Manifold valves (such as three-way valves and herringbone valves).

(6) Control valves, vent valves, shut-off valves, etc. for level gauges.

(7) Radiator drain taps.

(8) Tire tube valves.

(9) Float operated valves.

(10) Steam traps which collect water condensed from steam as it passes through a steam line and which are automatically emptied (eg by the action of a float). In addition, the heading also includes those steam traps in which the stopper or stopper is actuated by means of a thermostatic element (double-lobe or capsule) mounted inside the steam trap (thermostatically controlled steam traps).

(11) Fire hydrants (risers), fire hydrants, fire nozzles, etc., equipped with taps or valves for generating a stream or spray.

Mechanical sprinkler heads for fire-fighting installations, mechanical sprinkler heads for watering gardens, etc. are excluded. (heading 8424).

(12) Mixing taps and mixing valves with one or more inlets and a mixing chamber. The heading also covers thermostatically controlled mixing valves which incorporate a thermostatic element with adjustable tension in their design. This element acts on the corresponding plugs or plugs, regulating the inlet of liquid flows of different temperatures into the mixing chamber.

(13) Drains with plugs (other than the simplest hand-plug drains, which are classified according to the material from which they are made).

(14) Outboard valves and other underwater valves, cocks, etc. for ships.

(15) Lubrication taps with flexible or telescopic tubes for lubricating shafts on steamships, etc.

(16) Valves for soda water cylinders.

(17) Pressure spray can lids intended to be filled with liquid or gaseous insecticides, disinfectants, etc. under high pressure, equipped with a metal head with a push button that moves the needle, opening or closing the injection hole.

(18) Stopcocks or valves for installation in bung holes in barrels, kegs, etc.

(19) Taps for bottling machines designed to close automatically when the liquid level reaches the top of the bottle.

(20) Gas-powered beer dispensing devices intended for installation on counters in beer bars. In essence, these devices are one or more manually operated taps, the supply of beer to which occurs under the influence of carbon dioxide pressure forced through a pipeline into the barrels of beer.


In accordance with the general provisions concerning the classification of parts (see General provisions of the Explanatory Note to Section XVI), parts and accessories of devices of a given heading are classified in the same heading.


This heading does not include:

(a) Taps, valves, valves and the like, made of hardened vulcanized rubber (heading 40.16), ceramic materials (heading 69.03 or 69.09) or glass (heading 70.17 or 70.20).

(b) U-bends for waste water in washbasins, latrines, bathrooms, etc., and cisterns, whether equipped with their own mechanism or not, which are classified according to the material of which they are manufactured (for example, heading 3922, 6910, 7324).

(c) Centrifugal governors for steam engines (heading 84.12).

(d) Steam injectors or jet pumps (heading 84.13).

(e) Air spray equipment (heading 84.24).

(e) Pneumatic grease guns (heading 8467).

(g) Gas torches with blast for gas welding (heading 8468).

(h) Taps combined with dispensing devices for dispensing ice cream, liquor, milk, etc. (heading 8479).

Explanations for subheadings

8481 10 050 0

This subheading includes products containing various components that perform functions necessary for the regulation of compressed air systems: air filtration (removal of impurities, for example, water, dust, dirt, etc.); regulation of the required working pressure; lubrication (to ensure smooth operation of pneumatic elements).

They usually look like this:

Import and export duty check

HS CodeCustoms rate ImportCustoms Duty Export
8481808120VAT: 20%|no Duty: noDuty: no
8481807100VAT: 20%|no Duty: 9%Duty: no
8481807399VAT: 20% Duty: 7.5%Duty: no
8481807900VAT: 20% Duty: 10%Duty: no
8481806390VAT: 20% Duty: 9.4%Duty: no
848180739VAT: 20%|no Duty: noDuty: no
8481808199VAT: 20%|no Duty: 9%Duty: no
8481409009VAT: 20% Duty: 9%Duty: no
8481805910VAT: 20% Duty: noDuty: no
8481309909VAT: 20% Duty: 9%Duty: no

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