General characteristics of the activities of the Sheremetyevo Customs of the Russian Federation

The head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, Vladimir Bulavin, signed personnel documents on the appointment of the head of the Sheremetyevo Customs, Lieutenant General Alexander Povod, as the head of the North-West Customs Department. The term of Alexander Povod’s service contract with the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation is three years and expires in November 2021, writes Fontanka.Ru.

In the order of appointment of Fr.

Lieutenant General Alexander Povod is the holder of the state title “Honored Customs Officer of Russia”, as well as the Order “For Services to the Fatherland”, II degree. Therefore, the new head of the North-West Customs Administration will receive increased wages, the publication notes.

As Ilya Maltsev’s blog reports, the appointment, and in fact, a significant promotion of Alexander Povod, caused some bewilderment and even surprise in competent circles. It is known from reliable sources that a deeply secret channel for the supply of smuggled goods has been operating in the area of ​​operation of the Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo customs offices for several days. The channel was organized by a group of people headed by the famous smuggler David Leviev.

Most recently, his relatives were arrested in Israel for smuggling a large shipment of diamonds. As it became known from the Israeli media, the police had been developing this supply channel for several months. There are rumors that it was David Leviev who lobbied for the appointment of Povod to the post of head of the North-West Customs Department to create smuggling channels there.

David Leviev is the father of that same “diamond boy” Thomas Leviev, known for his sensational accident in the fall of 2015 in Moscow. Let us recall that on October 15, 2015, Thomas Leviev accelerated his personal Ferrari car to 200 km/h, flew into the oncoming lane of traffic and caused a major accident on the Crimean Bridge of the capital. The severity of the accident is indicated by the fact that the sports car worth 13 million rubles was in a condition beyond repair and burned out on the spot. Casualties were avoided only by a miracle.

Experts about the smuggling supply channel, even theoretically, cannot act without the knowledge of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Domodedovo Sergei Basov, the head of Domodedovo customs Alexander Berzan, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Sheremetyevo Andrei Maslov and the head of Sheremetyevo customs Alexander Povod. In such conditions, the appointment of Povod to the position of head of the North-Western Customs Union - one of the most influential departments in the Russian customs system - seems to be a real gift to a group of reputable smugglers.

This channel has been operating, presumably, since 2015. According to documents, expensive textile products of Turkish companies, cleared by customs in Armenia, pass through the canal. The cargo is transported by passenger airliners on the Yerevan-Moscow route. The smuggled cargo is packed into boxes with shoes and clothing items.

According to intelligence data, it is known that under the guise of Turkish textiles, large volumes of non-food products are coming to the capital, potentially dangerous to the life and health of Russian citizens - narcotic substances, prohibited chemicals, as well as counterfeit excise stamps for the production and sale of counterfeit alcohol products. According to forensic experts, fake excise taxes are practically no different from original stamps. They have all the degrees of protection inherent in state excise stamps - a hologram and watermarks (filigree).

The interaction between employees of local bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, customs and suppliers of so-called “textiles” is ensured by Arthur Pogosbekyan, a criminal figure who allegedly enjoys the protection of employees of the Directorate “M” of the FSB of the Russian Federation (counterintelligence activities in support of the work of the Investigative Committee, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation).

Alexander Povod is 54 years old. He is a native of Primorsky Krai. He has been working in customs authorities since 1992. The career of a lieutenant general includes work in various positions from an ordinary inspector to a manager in the customs system of Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, and Khabarovsk Territory. Since 2011, Povod has been the head of Sheremetyevo customs.

It is noteworthy that Alexander Povod’s predecessor, General Alexander Getman, was previously relieved of his post as head of the North-West Technical University in connection with charges of large-scale smuggling of goods, conducting illegal transactions with real estate and currency, as well as organizing corruption schemes. The Administration of the President of the Russian Federation noted that Alexander Getman was dismissed from service with the interpretation “due to the loss of confidence of the President of Russia,” writes Fontanka.Ru.

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Lieutenant General Povod appointed to the post of Head of North-West Customs

November 19, 2021 11:14 5 6 10 1


Also on topic 05:03 August 17, 2021 A customs officer from St. Petersburg, detained for a bribe, was sent to a pre-trial detention center for two months. 06:42 February 22, 2021 Trucks with flowers heading to St. Petersburg are allowed to skip the line at customs.

The term of Alexander Povod’s service contract with the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation is three years and expires in November 2021.

Read us in Yandex.News

The head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, Vladimir Bulavin, signed personnel documents on the appointment of the head of the Sheremetyevo Customs, Lieutenant General Alexander Povod, as the head of the North-West Customs Department. The term of Alexander Povod’s service contract with the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation is three years and expires in November 2021, writes Fontanka.Ru.

North-West Customs Administration: 46 references

In the order of appointment of Fr.

Lieutenant General Alexander Povod is the holder of the state title “Honored Customs Officer of Russia”, as well as the Order “For Services to the Fatherland”, II degree. Therefore, the new head of the North-West Customs Administration will receive increased wages, the publication notes. The appointment, and in fact, a significant promotion of Alexander Povod, caused a certain bewilderment and even surprise in competent circles. It is known from reliable sources that a deeply secret channel for the supply of smuggled goods has been operating in the area of ​​operation of the Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo customs offices for several days. The channel is organized by a group of people headed by the famous smuggler David Leviev. Most recently, his relatives were arrested in Israel for smuggling a large shipment of diamonds. As it became known from the Israeli media, the police had been developing this supply channel for several months. There are rumors that it was David Leviev who lobbied for the appointment of Povod to the post of head of the North-West Customs Department to create smuggling channels there.

David Leviev is the father of that same “diamond boy” Thomas Leviev, known for his sensational accident in the fall of 2015 in Moscow. Let us recall that on October 15, 2015, Thomas Leviev accelerated his personal Ferrari car to 200 km/h, flew into the oncoming lane of traffic and caused a major accident on the Crimean Bridge of the capital. The severity of the accident is indicated by the fact that the sports car worth 13 million rubles was in a condition beyond repair and burned out on the spot. Casualties were avoided only by a miracle.

Experts about the smuggling supply channel, even theoretically, cannot act without the knowledge of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Domodedovo Sergei Basov, the head of Domodedovo customs Alexander Berzan, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Sheremetyevo Andrei Maslov and the head of Sheremetyevo customs Alexander Povod. In such conditions, the appointment of Povod to the position of head of the North-West Customs Union - one of the most influential departments in the Russian customs system - seems to be a real gift to a group of reputable smugglers.

This channel has been operating, presumably, since 2015. According to documents, expensive textile products of Turkish companies, cleared by customs in Armenia, pass through the canal. The cargo is transported by passenger airliners on the Yerevan-Moscow route. The smuggled cargo is packed into boxes with shoes and clothing items.

According to intelligence data, it is known that under the guise of Turkish textiles, large volumes of non-food products are coming to the capital, potentially dangerous to the life and health of Russian citizens - narcotic substances, prohibited chemicals, as well as counterfeit excise stamps for the production and sale of counterfeit alcohol products. According to forensic experts, fake excise taxes are practically no different from original stamps. They have all the degrees of protection inherent in state excise stamps - a hologram and watermarks (filigree).

The interaction between employees of local bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, customs and suppliers of so-called “textiles” is ensured by Arthur Pogosbekyan, a criminal figure who allegedly enjoys the patronage of employees of the Directorate “M” of the FSB of the Russian Federation (counterintelligence activities in support of the work of the Investigative Committee, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation).

Alexander Povod is 54 years old. He is a native of Primorsky Krai. He has been working in customs authorities since 1992. The career of a lieutenant general includes work in various positions from an ordinary inspector to a manager in the customs system of Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, and Khabarovsk Territory. Since 2011, Povod has been the head of Sheremetyevo customs.

It is noteworthy that Alexander Povod’s predecessor, General Alexander Getman, was previously relieved of his post as head of the North-West Technical University in connection with charges of large-scale smuggling of goods, conducting illegal transactions with real estate and currency, as well as organizing corruption schemes. The Administration of the President of the Russian Federation noted that Alexander Getman was dismissed from service with the interpretation “due to the loss of confidence of the President of Russia,” writes Fontanka.Ru.

Customs returns shrines to the Church

The ceremony will be attended by the head of Sheremetyevo customs Alexander Viktorovich Povod, acting. Head of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation for the Central Federal District Sergei Evgenievich Bogatyrev. On behalf of the Russian Orthodox Church, the ceremony will be attended by Archpriest Vladimir Silovyov, Chairman of the Art History Commission of the Diocesan Council of Moscow, Editor-in-Chief of the Publishing House of the Moscow Patriarchate, Rector of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Stary Simonovo, and Hegumen Vladimir (Denisov), Dean of the Khimki Church District.

The icons were found in sports bags transiting through Moscow to New York. However, there was no registration of luggage tags in the carrier’s documents. A criminal case was initiated against an unidentified person. Currently, by decision of the Khimki City Court, the icons have become federal property. All icons date from the late 19th – early 20th centuries. Based on the results of the examinations, they were recognized as a cultural and historical heritage of Russia.

Forty-four shrines will be transferred for church-wide worship in the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Staroye Simonovo and the Khimki deanery of the Russian Orthodox Church.


This is not the first time that Sheremetyevo customs transfers for permanent storage to churches of the Russian Orthodox Church religious items seized and stored in the temporary storage warehouse of customs, which, by a court decision, were recognized as the property of the state.

In January 2002, a ceremony was held at Sheremetyevo Customs to donate 240 cultural assets to state museums and Orthodox churches.

In May 2008, the Federal Customs Service of Russia transferred for permanent storage to Archbishop Arseny of Istra, vicar of the Holy Patriarch, 81 icons and 12 items of church utensils, detained at different times by Sheremetyevo customs.

In November 2008, the transfer of icons and other religious items to the Russian Orthodox Church and the Old Believer Church took place on the territory of the Federal Customs Service. In particular, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus' Korniliy (Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church) accepted for storage 22 icons that had previously been detained by Sheremetyevo customs officers during an attempt to illegally export them from the customs territory of the Russian Federation.

In November 2009, 19th-century icons were transferred to the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, including an icon depicting the Baptism of the Lord and an icon of the “Lord Pantocrator” in a silver frame.

In October 2010, at the XI International Exhibition “Customs Service - 2010”, held on the territory of EXPOCENTER CJSC, a solemn ceremony was held to hand over to representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church 11 icons detained by Sheremetyevo customs while attempting to export them abroad. All icons were transferred to the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.

In October 2011, at the XII International Exhibition “Customs Service - 2010”, held on the territory of EXPOCENTER CJSC, a solemn ceremony was held to hand over to representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church 9 icons detained by Sheremetyevo customs while attempting to export them abroad.

Today, the revival of the traditions of spiritual culture and the fight against the illegal export of cultural property remains one of the main tasks facing the customs service.

Russian customs, like other law enforcement agencies, is involved in rescuing cultural and historical relics and religious items, preventing them from disappearing abroad without a trace.

Federal Customs Service Sheremetyevo Customs

Agreement on interaction between Sheremetyevo Customs and the Office of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance for the city of Moscow, Moscow and Tula regions, Moscow, December 2011

Sheremetyevo customs, represented by the head of customs, Povod Alexander Viktorovich, acting on the basis of the General Regulations on Customs, approved by Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated January 12, 2005 No. 7, on the one hand, and the Office of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance for the city of Moscow, Moscow and Tula Regions (hereinafter referred to as the Directorate) represented by the head Evgeniy Vyacheslavovich Antonov, acting on the basis of the Regulations on the Directorate, approved by order of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (hereinafter referred to as Rosselkhoznadzor) dated June 10, 2010 No. 214, on the other hand (hereinafter referred to as the Parties ), in accordance with the Agreement on interaction between Rosselkhoznadzor and the Federal Customs Service of Russia when providing and receiving information dated December 27, 2005 No. 01-48/0018, they entered into this Agreement as follows.

Article 1

The parties, acting within the established competence and in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, as well as regulatory legal acts of Rosselkhoznadzor and the Federal Customs Service of Russia will interact in order increasing the effectiveness of the implementation of their powers in assigned areas of activity.

Article 2

The general principles of interaction between the Parties are: compliance with the rule of law; focusing efforts on performing the most complex and important tasks; efficiency and continuity of interaction; responsibility in the implementation of joint plans and commitments; differentiation of functions.

Article 3

Levels of interaction organization: Heads of the interacting Parties and their deputies (assistants) supervising interaction issues; administrative and managerial structural divisions of Sheremetyevo Customs - the department of border veterinary control at the State Border of the Russian Federation and transport and the department of quarantine phytosanitary control at the State Border of the Russian Federation Office; customs post of Sheremetyevo customs - border control veterinary point (BCP), phytosanitary control post (FCP) of the Department.

Article 4

The Parties, in order to implement this Agreement, within the established competence: carry out planning and implementation of joint activities; ensure uniform application of federal legislation when carrying out control and supervisory activities at air checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation; in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the current Agreement on interaction between Rosselkhoznadzor and the Federal Customs Service of Russia, when providing and receiving information, they mutually exchange information, reference materials, departmental legal acts and methodological recommendations of mutual interest; provide technological and information cooperation on the use of information resources within the established competence; by mutual agreement, send their representatives to participate in joint events; carry out other activities in accordance with agreements drawn up by the Parties as additions to this Agreement.

Article 5

Information interaction between the Parties is carried out on the following issues: the implementation of the powers of the Parties, as well as ensuring coordination of activities to further improve the protection of the territory of the Russian Federation from the introduction of infectious diseases of humans and animals, plant pests, weeds of quarantine importance for the Russian Federation from foreign countries, as well as the import products of poor quality (hazardous) in veterinary, sanitary and/or hazardous in phytosanitary terms; the state of the regime at the air checkpoints of Sheremetyevo customs; planned and ongoing interdepartmental activities at Sheremetyevo customs checkpoints; updating the data of passports of checkpoints and Technological schemes regarding the organization of passage of cargo, goods and animals across the state border; adoption in the territory of exercise of assigned powers of normative legal acts on issues related to the activities of the Office and Sheremetyevo customs at air checkpoints; resolving other issues requiring interaction between the Department and Sheremetyevo Customs in carrying out assigned tasks.

Article 6

If it is necessary to obtain information not provided for in Article 5 of this Agreement, the interested Party shall make a request to the other Party to provide the necessary information.

Requests are sent in writing in any form, unless otherwise specified. The request must contain: a statement of the reason for the request; essence of the request; deadline for obtaining the necessary information.

The written request is signed by the head of the requesting Party.

Article 7

If the requested information cannot be provided by the Party within the time period specified in the request, the Parties, by agreement, determine a different deadline for providing the information. If a Party does not have the requested information or it is classified as a state secret, then the Party informs the other Party of the impossibility of fulfilling the request.

Article 8

Each Party undertakes to use the information received from the other Party only for official purposes. The Parties undertake not to transfer information to a third party without the written consent of the Party that provided this information. For the disclosure of received information, the Parties bear responsibility under the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 9

The parties can create joint working groups to solve the tasks assigned to them in assigned areas of activity. The parties may conduct joint activities to improve the professional training of their specialists (conferences, seminars, consultations). Each of the Parties, in accordance with the established procedure, invites management (sends representatives) to participate in meetings, commissions and working groups on interaction issues.

Article 10

The parties, by mutual agreement, make the necessary additions and changes to this Agreement, which are documented in separate protocols that are an integral part of the Agreement. The parties, if necessary, hold consultations to assess the progress of implementation of this Agreement and the advisability of introducing changes and additions to it.

Article 11

This Agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed by both Parties and is concluded for one year. This Agreement may be terminated by one of the Parties, but not earlier than three months after written notification of this to the other Party.

This Agreement is drawn up in two copies on 4 (four) sheets each, having equal legal force: the first - for the Office; the second - for Sheremetyevo customs.

Signatures of the parties:

Sheremetyevo Customs Head of Customs A.V. Povod

Office of Rosselkhoznadzor for the city of Moscow, Moscow and Tula regions Head E.V. Antonov

© 2021 Office of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance for the city of Moscow and the Moscow and Tula regions Development and support of the AitTach website

Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance of the Russian Federation (Rosselkhoznadzor).Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian FederationOfficial Internet portal of legal informationSubordinate laboratoriesControl and supervisory activities

Customs has a reason to smile

12/29/07 0:00
| ARCHIVE | 0m.
50 c. The head of the Khabarovsk customs, Alexander Povod, treats horoscopes, by his own admission, very calmly and even with humor, although he knows well who was born under what sign, and takes this point into account in his professional activities.

Life shows that planets do leave a certain imprint on their wards, he says. Sometimes this helps in work, because a customs officer is, first of all, a psychologist. Alexander Povod was told that the ruling planet of Libra is Venus by his wife, who is a little more interested in horoscopes. And my husband is quite happy with this. However, Alexander Viktorovich prefers not to hesitate either in profession or in love. But other traits that, according to horoscopes, are inherent in all Libras, are really characteristic of him. He is guided mainly not by emotions, but by reason. The intuition characteristic of this sign never failed the chief customs officer of the region. With his trademark smile, which makes all representatives of the sign irresistible, Alexander Povod also disarms opponents and allies from time to time. And he says that it helps a lot in life. Alexander Viktorovich himself agrees with other characteristics of the sign. Like all Libras, I really love everything beautiful, nature, art, beautiful technology, says Povod. And also, as for many Libras, one of the main principles is independence. If a customs officer becomes dependent on someone, it becomes too difficult to work. The horoscope for 2008 says that for Libra this will be a year of great things and the fulfillment of planned plans, the search for new partners and the development of new areas of activity. And many Libras will build or expand their “nest” and, what is especially pleasant, will receive a promotion and an increase in salary. It’s funny, but almost everything is the same, laughs Alexander Viktorovich. There really are a lot of plans: if we tell you everything we want to do, the newspaper won’t be enough. The main thing is that in 2008 we must reconstruct our crossing in Pokrovka. Install a special complex there, a license plate reading system, put a “plate” to instantly receive information. I think this will all start working in the spring. We built a wonderful “nest” in the form of a specialized customs building this year ahead of the horoscope. And to expand, we’ll “take over” some customs office. Kidding. I don’t know about promotions, but all customs officers are really expecting a significant increase in wages next year.

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