List of international checkpoints across the state border of the Republic of Kazakhstan

List of international checkpoints across the state border of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the border of the People's Republic of China

Name of the checkpoint on the RoK sideName of checkpoints on the PRC sideOperating modeClassificationPlace of deployment in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Contacts Location on Google map
1KhorgosKhorgosDuring the daytimeMultilateral (international), cargo-passengerAlmaty region, Panfilov district, village. Khorgos. Tel.: Checkpoint "Khorgos"
2Dostyk (Friendship)AlashankouDuring the daytimeInternational, cargo-passengerAlmaty region, Alakol district, st. Dostyk, Park "T". Tel.: Checkpoint "Druzhba"
3BakhtyPokituDuring the daytimeMultilateral (international), cargo-passengerEast Kazakhstan region, Urjar district, village. Bakhty. Tel.: Checkpoint "Bakhty"
4MaykapchagayZimunaiDuring the daytimeMultilateral (international), cargo-passengerEast Kazakhstan region, Zaisan district, village. Maykapshagay). Tel. Checkpoint "Maykapchagay"

Visa regime

Kazakhstanis do not need a visa to enter the Russian Federation. Also, Russian citizens can stay in Kazakhstan in a visa-free regime for up to 90 days. We recommend checking your debts before traveling abroad before you head out. You may not be allowed to leave the country.

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By the way. Many countries in the world limit visa-free entry only for tourism purposes. Russians can go to Kazakhstan for any purpose - business, business, even work. Likewise, Kazakhstanis have the right to a 90-day visa-free stay in the Russian Federation, regardless of their purpose.

Visa-free entry has its own nuances:

  1. To cross the border on both sides, anyone can be used, either an internal passport or ID, or a foreign one;
  2. It is important that the identity document is valid for at least three months from the date of entry;
  3. You can also present a sailor’s passport, official and diplomatic;
  4. Children under 14 years of age need a birth certificate with a citizenship confirmation insert;
  5. All adult travelers and children over 16 years old fill out a migration card at the border.

Border crossing rules

All Russian citizens from the age of 14 need a passport. If a child under 14 years of age has a foreign passport, you can use it, but a birth certificate must also be presented.

Full list of documents:

  1. Foreign passport for travelers over 14 years of age;
  2. Birth certificate for travelers under 14;
  3. Parental consent for the child in cases provided for by law;
  4. Migration card.

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Important! Medical insurance is not required and neither party is required to present it. But in Kazakhstan, all medical services for citizens of other countries are paid. Therefore, it is recommended to issue this document.

For children traveling accompanied by one parent or with other persons, the consent of the absent parent or both will be required, as when crossing any border.

When entering Kazakhstan, similar to the Russian side, all arrivals fill out a migration card. Only in the Russian Federation this is done even for a small child, but in Kazakhstan - only for foreigners over 16 years of age.

The card is issued at the checkpoint free of charge. And you can fill it out in any of three languages:

  • Russian;
  • English;
  • Kazakh.

The card form with information and marks is retained until the end of your stay on the territory of the border state. If it is lost or damaged, you must contact the migration authorities for restoration within three days.

Blank migrant card in Kazakhstan

Those arriving without a visa can stay in Kazakhstan (the same for Russia) for three months. The first month of this period does not require registration. Next, you need to register with the migration authorities.

The diagram looks like this:

  1. A Russian citizen entered the Republic of Kazakhstan without a visa, presenting an identity card at the control checkpoint;
  2. For 30 days he can freely reside and move around the country without registration;
  3. Before the expiration of the month, he is obliged to contact the migration control authority;
  4. An application is submitted with the presentation of a passport and migration card;
  5. The application is filled out on a form issued at the place of application;
  6. The stay is extended by 60 days, which is stamped on the card;
  7. If you need to stay for more than three months, a residence permit or temporary registration is issued on the basis of an employment contract.

Actions from the Russian side

On the Russian side, a passport or other identification document is presented at the checkpoint for verification. If a traveler travels by public transport, he is given a migration form in advance by the driver or employees of the transport service.

When traveling in a personal vehicle, the card is issued at the control point. It must be filled out before starting the control procedure.

Travelers driving their own car will need to present, in addition to identification documents, both on the Russian and Kazakh sides:

  • Those. passport for the means of transportation;
  • Honey. driver's certificate;
  • Driver's license;
  • Certificate of insurance;
  • Certificate of registration from the traffic police;
  • Documents of the owner of the car;
  • Migration cards for the driver and all passengers over 16 years of age;
  • RUS sticker on the rear car window.

Actions from the Kazakh side

After passing through the Russian side, travelers will face passport control by Kazakh border guards and customs. There is no need to fill out a declaration, but personal belongings, luggage and cars will be searched.

By the way. The authenticity of documents and information specified in the migration card is also carefully checked.

The list of documents and rules for entry by train do not differ from the rules defined for other types of transport. Migrant cards are given to passengers by the train conductor to fill out. Control takes place on trains.

The process of controlling travelers on personal transport

The driver is the first to go to the controller. He, unlike passengers, submits not only personal documents, but also papers for the car.

Then all passengers go to the inspector’s window one by one. Each with their own document and a completed migrant card (if the passenger is over 16).

Other documents are also presented here:

  • Permission to travel for a minor not accompanied by a parent;
  • Guardianship documents, others.

By the way. All information about travelers is entered into the database. The controller will definitely ask about the purpose and expected duration of the visit, which must coincide with those recorded on the card.

After checking the documents, a search follows. If there is a lot of luggage, it may be necessary to demonstrate the contents of bags and suitcases. Transport is most carefully inspected, since it is easier to hide prohibited items in it.

Important! After admission to the country, you must immediately take out Kazakh insurance for your car. This can be done after leaving the checkpoint. It will cost about 500 rubles. Without this document, driving a foreign car in the country is not allowed.

In what cases can they refuse?

A citizen of the Russian Federation or a person without specific citizenship may be denied entry into Kazakhstan for the following reasons:

  • the need to ensure the country's national security;
  • actions are aimed at violating the current constitutional order;
  • opposing state sovereignty or calling for changes in borders;
  • inciting interethnic and interreligious hatred;
  • the need to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens of Kazakhstan;
  • a criminal record for illegal activities as part of a terrorist group or a court recognition of the fact of a relapse of a previous offense;
  • lack of documentary evidence of the availability of funds necessary for a comfortable stay in the Republic - the rule does not apply to persons born in Kazakhstan and members of their families;
  • violations of legal norms during the previous stay of the person entering Kazakhstan;
  • providing false information when attempting to enter;
  • refusal to provide documents within the period established by republican legislation;
  • the presence of acute infectious diseases;
  • inappropriate behavior at border control points (including being heavily intoxicated).

Important! You can obtain up-to-date information about the impossibility of entry from border service officers.


70380, AXENGER, KAZAKHSTAN railway, dept. 70000, ALMA-ATA I, KAZAKHSTAN railway, dept.

70010, ALMA-ATA II, KAZAKHSTAN railway, dept. 70040, BAYSERKE, KAZAKHSTAN railway, dept.

70390, BURUNDAY, KAZAKHSTAN railway, dept. 70030, ZHETY-SU, KAZAKHSTAN railway, dept.

70050, ZHETYGEN, KAZAKHSTAN railway, dept. 70060, ILI, KAZAKHSTAN railway, dept.

70360, KAZYBEK, KAZAKHSTAN railway, dept. 70430, KAIRAT, KAZAKHSTAN railway, dept.


Border between Russia and Kazakhstan on the map

The common Russian-Kazakh border is the longest in the world along a land line. The northern, western and eastern parts of Kazakhstan border on the Russian Federation. The number of operating checkpoints changes on an ongoing basis (as of the beginning of 2021 - 22). The border line runs through 8 federal subjects of the Russian Federation. Checkpoint locations:

  • Veseloyarsk, Pavlovka, Gornyak (Altai Territory);
  • Karazoek (Astrakhan region);
  • Voskresenskoye (Kurgan region);
  • Karaskusky (Novosibirsk region);
  • Orsk, Komsomolsky (Orenburg region);
  • Isilkul (Omsk region);
  • Ozinki (Saratov region);
  • Nikolaevka, Mariinsky (Chelyabinsk region).

Customs regulations

Not everything can be transported across the Kazakhstan-Russia border. There are rules here.

What can and cannot be imported into Kazakhstan

The following things can be transported across the border of Kazakhstan without declaration:

  • Cash in banknotes of any currency or checks for no more than the equivalent of $10,000;
  • Precious metals and precious stones with a total value of up to $25,000;
  • Up to 3 liters of alcohol (plus two more with duty paid);
  • Up to 1000 cigarettes;
  • No more than 10 kg of products;
  • Up to 100 liters of gasoline or 150 liters of diesel fuel (for drivers of personal vehicles).

If the amount of cash exceeds the permitted threshold, you need to fill out a declaration. The same goes for jewelry.

For medications in quantities greater than 0.5 kg, you must have a prescription. Special permission will be required for cultural property and collectible weapons.

Carriage to Kazakhstan is prohibited:

  • Weapons and ammunition;
  • Drugs in any form, including medications containing them;
  • Any materials on any media that promote war, terror, violence, racism, pornography;
  • Plants with soil and soil;
  • Plants affected by pests;
  • Embargoed products.

It is prohibited to export from Kazakhstan:

  • Valid banknotes in any currency worth more than $10,000 without documents confirming the legality of origin;
  • Military weapons;
  • Weapons of mass destruction;
  • Works of art and cultural property;
  • Gold, precious and rare stones;
  • Rare flora and fauna;
  • Drugs and psychotropics;
  • Literature and information that undermines Islam in other media.
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